
About the work done in the field of forestry during 2014

The General Directorate of Forestry and the forest farms within its system have carried out certain activities in order to deepen economic reforms in the sector, to ensure the fulfillment of socio-economic indicators.

During 2014, new forest groves from desert plants were established on an area of 42.8 thousand hectares, including 16.8 thousand hectares on the dry bottom of the Aral Sea, and measures were taken to support their natural recovery. A nursery and nurseries were established on an area of 400 hectares.

In order to ensure the implementation of the orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of October 16, 2012 No. 683-F and No. 539-F of August 24, 2013 on increasing the planting of tulip tree and Crimean pine seedlings, planting seedlings across the republic 2,200 bushes of tulip trees, 9,100 bushes of Crimean pine and 47,200 bushes of chilongjii seedlings were planted in the summer season.

In addition to the establishment and restoration of forests, for the purpose of their protection, protection, protection from diseases and pests, works against forest diseases and pests were carried out on the planned area of 25,225 hectares, and biological control was carried out on the planned area of 15,225 hectares. During 2014, 123 km of fire roads, 58 km of new protection lines, 314 km of mineralized strips were built, 1628 km of forestry and fire roads and 1599 km of mineralized strips were constructed. he died.

18 types of medicinal plants were planted on 100 hectares of land and 263 tons of medicinal plant raw materials were prepared for the purpose of cultural reproduction of medicinal plants. 10 types of medicinal plants are packed in boxes of 30-50-100 grams in the existing shops of forestry farms in the system, amounting to more than 85 thousand pieces, registered in the state register, and delivered to wholesale pharmaceutical enterprises, pharmacies, sanatoriums and other health centers. is being delivered.

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