
Frequently asked questions and answers by residents and business entities

Question: Who should be contacted for forest land lease.

Answer: It is appropriate for you to connect to the "IJARA-URMON.UZ" electronic trading platform through a computer connected to the Internet or mobile communication devices, follow electronic online auctions and participate in the auctions for winning the right to lease forest land areas suitable for starting or developing your business activity

Question: Could you explain the procedu

Answer: By connecting to the electronic trading platform "IJARA-URMON.UZ" through a computer connected to the Internet or mobile communication, an application is made for the lot selected through the ID.GOV.UZ or EIMZO system with the ERI (electronic digital signature) key obtained in your name through state services. Before applying, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the terms of the electronic online auction on the trading platform.

Question: How many people can participate in the auction?

Answer: In the electronic online auction on the "IJARA-URMON.UZ" electronic trading platform, it is envisaged that one person and many applicants will participate in it, and the participant who offered the highest price for the lease of the land plot of the state forest fund will be the winner of the auction.

Question: I would like to ask you to auction the forest land that I know and have seen.

Answer: You should apply in writing to whichever forestry company the area you saw and know belongs to, because the forest fund lands you saw are not covered with forest, are not used and are empty, after that the experts of the economy will prepare a conclusion and then "IJARA-URMON.UZ" e-commerce electronically sends data to the buyer to conduct an electronic online auction on its platform.

Question: What activities can be carried out in forest lands.

Answer: afforestation (by planting perennial ornamental and industrial trees), fruit and nut orchards, cultivation of medicinal plants, planting of seedlings, planting of agricultural crops, development of fisheries, livestock, poultry, beekeeping, scientific research , can be used for the purposes of cultural-educational, educational, health improvement, recreation, development of aesthetic and ecological tourism, establishment of hunting farms, and other types of activities (lemonaria and greenhouses, paid services to the population).

Question: On what basis are forest lands granted?

Answer: It will be given to the winner of the auction in accordance with the contract, based on the requirements of the Regulation approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 993 of December 13, 2019.

Question: For how many years are forest lands given to citizens who rent them.

Answer: Based on the requirements of the Regulation approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 993 of December 13, 2019, it is granted for a period of up to fifty years, not less than three years and not more than forty-nine years

Q: What are the terms, conditions and provisions of the lease?

Answer: The area of the plot of the forest fund that is being leased, the type of activity, the term of the lease, the amount of the rent and the terms of its payment, the types and condition of the land, the terms of use of the plot of the forest fund of the tenant, the rights and obligations of the tenant, the requisites of the tenant.

Question: I have been using the forest land adjacent to my farm for many years.

Answer: Today, the right to lease forest fund land is leased through an electronic online auction on the "IJARA-URMON.UZ" platform. Legislation does not provide for relief and priority for the local population living in mountainous and remote villages to use the land close to them or adjacent to their farm on the basis of rent. In the future, the procedure for giving priority to the representatives of the local population in leasing the lands of the forest fund is being developed.

Question: How to obtain a permit (quota) from the lands of the Forest Fund

Answer: The decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 22.02.2022 "Procedures for issuing certain documents with authorization through a special electronic system" is indicated in paragraph 14 of the decision No. 86.

Question: What documents are submitted to the state service centers.

Answer: Information about himself. Letter of approval from the head of the enterprise or organization that wants to collect raw materials.

Question: When are applications received by state service centers rejected.

Answer: If there is no letter of consent from the land owner and the quantity of medicinal raw materials applied in the application is not allocated.