
The procedure for providing information in oral and written form based on the requests of information users

                                                     On the procedure for providing information in oral and written form based on the requests of information users


                                                                                                                                    I. General rules

1. This Guideline was developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Openness of Activities of State Power and Management Bodies".

2. In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the State Language of the Republic of Uzbekistan", information users have the right to submit requests for information about the activities of the committee in the state language of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as to receive answers to them in the state language. Information users have the right to apply and receive answers in other languages.

                                                                                                                         II. Review applications

3. Requests for information on the activities of the Committee and its constituent units submitted in accordance with the established procedure must be considered.

4. Consideration of information users' requests for information on the activities of the committee is carried out by the heads of the relevant structural units specified in the resolution of the committee's management.

5. The heads of the structural divisions of the Committee are personally responsible for the timely conduct of events, as well as the timely presentation and quality of analytical materials provided at the request of information users.

6. The user of information has the right to apply orally or in writing (including in electronic form) with a request about the activities of the committee both directly and through his representative whose powers are formalized in accordance with the procedure established by law.

7. The information user's request should be considered within fifteen days from the date of its registration, unless otherwise provided by law.

The mass media's request for information on the activities of the committee, as well as the request to organize a conversation (interview) with officials, will be considered within seven days.

If the request does not apply to the authority of the committee, within three days from the date of registration, it will send the request to the body that is responsible for providing the requested information and inform the user about it.

If the committee does not have information about the authority of another state power and management body based on the received request, then an appropriate response will be sent to the user within three days from the date of registration of the request.

8. In case of rejection of the user's request to provide information about the activities of the committee, the user will be sent an appropriate response with reasons for rejection.

9. In the request of an individual, information about the citizen's surname, first name, patronymic, place of residence, and the nature of the request must be stated. In the request of a legal entity, the name and legal address of the organization making the request, the surname and initials of the official, and the nature of the request should be stated.

A request for information that does not include the above-mentioned personally identifiable information is considered anonymous and will not be processed.

The request is sent to the name of the committee or to the name of its official who is authorized to provide information on the issues raised in the request.

A request submitted in the prescribed manner must be considered.

10. When considering the requests of information users about the activity of the committee, it is not allowed to disclose information that discriminates against the rights and legal interests of individuals and legal entities.

                                                                                                III. Acceptance and registration of written appeals of citizens

11. Management of the work carried out according to the requests of information users is carried out by the committee of the Secretariat separately from other types of work.

12. All requests to the Committee from information users regarding their activities are received by the Secretariat and are recorded in a special journal on the day they are received.

13. The information user's request from the same person and on the same issue should be considered repeated if the deadline for responding to the request in accordance with the law has passed from the time of the first request, or if the information user is not satisfied with the answer given to him.

A duplicate request is assigned the next registration index when it is received, and the corresponding column of the registration-control record is marked "repetitive".

14. After the requests are reviewed by the management, the Registry shall mark the registration-control card accordingly.