
List of information provided to users

In accordance with Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Openness of the Activities of State Power and Management Bodies", the following information is provided to users of information on the activities of the State Forestry Committee in the appropriate order:

- legal documents defining the legal status of the committee?

- normative legal documents, normative and other documents adopted by the committee, as well as information about the progress of their execution and the declaration of these documents as invalid?

- reports on the implementation of state programs and other programs by the committee, reports on the activities of the central apparatus departments, independent departments, urgent information on the work being carried out?

- information on public events (meetings, meetings, press conferences, briefings, seminars, roundtable discussions, etc.) held in the committee?

- information about the cooperation of the committee with other bodies, individuals and legal entities, as well as foreign and international organizations?

- information about the international agreements of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in the implementation of which the committee participates?

- information about open competitions (tenders) and auctions held (organized) by the committee?

- information on vacancies in the central office of the committee, terms of employment and requirements for candidates to fill vacancies?

- plans for holding open board meetings of the committee, including draft agendas of meetings, date, place and time of their holding, order of attendance at meetings?

- information on working with the orders, decisions of the committee, complaints and applications of citizens.

Other information may be included in the sentence of information on the activity of the committee in accordance with the legislation.