
Selection of land areas for landscaping

For landscaping, the topography, natural climate and soil conditions of the place are first studied. Then the following works are performed in turn: the area is cleaned of construction debris, dead tree branches and trunks are removed, and the area is leveled. If there are trees in the greening area, it is arranged, that is, diseased trees and bushes are cut. If there are holes in the bodies of infected trees, they are filled, if necessary, they are shaped. Collected organic residues, if any, are removed. When cutting diseased trees, their root system is also dug up. Do not bury litter or litter in the field, as pits may form later.

In the process of leveling the cultivated area, heavy clay soil and small construction waste can be used for leveling. In this case, they are mixed with natural soil in a ratio of 50/50. When leveling pits, it is impossible to use toxic waste from factories and factories, which are harmful to trees. If necessary, it is necessary to fill the pits with light, medium, heavy sandy soils. Because such soils are considered to be highly cultured, they retain the necessary nutrients and maintain the water and air conditions well.

After all the planned work is completed, the soil is compacted. A steel tape measure is used in accordance with the working drawing of the site for the implementation of the works in the project.