
Forestry Policy and Management

Forestry of Uzbekistan is a sphere of protection of the nature and its wealth. Its main task is to reproduce, preserve and rationally use the resources of the forestry fund, to provide for the national needs with forests and forest products, to protect the forest ecological, environmental protection, water protection, protection, sanitary hygiene and recreational activities.

It is inextricably linked with other organizations and agencies and contributes to their economic development.

The Forestry State Committee shall be responsible for the state and perspective development of forestry, scientific and technical progress in the area, organization of rational use, reproduction, conservation and protection of forests, managing hunting, nature conservation and management of natural parks, enhancement of forest ecological and other useful properties responsibility for implementation.

The protection, conservation, use and reproduction of forests is governed by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the State Committee for Forestry of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Main Forest Usage Policies The Forestry State Committee and its local bodies are responsible for coordinating and managing the forestry.

Forestry State Committee carries out its activities on the basis of resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 11, 2017 “On the organization of activities of State Committee for Forestry and Presidential Decree-2966”.