The results of the review of appeals on the facts of corruption in the Forestry Agency in 2022
This year, 96 of the appeals received from individuals and legal entities to the Forestry Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan contained information on the facts of corruption.
When these appeals are distributed by regions, they are expressed as follows:
According to Samarkand region - 23 (23.9%), Fergana region - 25 (26.1%), Surkhandarya region - 16 (16.6%), Tashkent city. and region - 14 (14.5%), Navoi region - 6 (6.2%), Kashkadarya region - 6 (6.2%), Namangan region - 3 (3.1%), Bukhara region - 2 (2 .1%) and Syrdarya region - 1 (1%).
Distribution of these appeals according to the received communication channels is as follows: - 54 were in writing, 24 from the government's virtual reception, 12 by e-mail, 3 by hotlines, and 3 were received by the responsible officer of the agency. .
18 of the appeals are duplicates, 10 are duplicates.
41 of these appeals were sent to law enforcement agencies and other organizations in accordance with Article 25 of the Law "On Appeals of Natural and Legal Entities"; 4 were positively resolved by issuing an appropriate conclusion in accordance with Article 29 of this Law; Legal and relevant explanations were given to the authors of 39 petitions, 12 were positively resolved in favor of the petitioners.
Also, during the investigation of appeals, the following violations of the law were found in 3 of them. Including:
- 73 mln. It has been determined that there is a deficit of more than soums. The collected materials were sent to the DSC of the Republic of Uzbekistan for legal assessment;
- 83 mln. as a result of non-receipt of funds under lease contracts, use without purpose and other circumstances in the State Forestry of Pakhtachi. it was determined that damage was caused to soums. The collected documents were sent to the Pakhtachi district prosecutor's office.
- The results of the study on the conditions related to labor relations and lease contracts in Kokan State Forestry were sent to the Forestry Department of Fergana Region.
In order to minimize existing corruption risks based on the results of the appeals study, they were taken into account in the preparation of the corruption risk map in the organizations of the system.
Head of Compliance Control Department Roziyev U.A.