The procedure for conducting service inspections in the Forestry Agency
Chapter I. General rules.
1.1. These rules determine the procedure for conducting service inspections in the Forestry Agency (hereinafter referred to as the Agency).
1.2. The purpose of the service inspection is to identify, prevent and stop the offense committed by the agency employee, to determine the degree of his guilt, the reasons and conditions of the investigated incident, the nature and amount of damage caused as a result of the violation, the basis for conducting the service inspection. will be conducted in order to study the cases, as well as to apply preventive measures to prevent such cases in the future.
1.3. Service inspection is the collection and documentation of information related to the submitted message, obtaining explanations from employees of agencies and system organizations or other persons with relevant information (with their consent), familiarization with documents, information carriers. , consists of inspection of service rooms, facilities, land plots, vehicles, as well as evaluation of these data, preparation of conclusions and proposals.
1.4. Service inspections should be carried out on the most important issues that have arisen in the field of combating corruption in the agency, on cases where the guilt of specific individuals was not initially determined in relation to these cases, as well as in the framework of criminal procedural proceedings. is held in cases of
1.5. The inspection of the service is carried out on the basis of the order of the director of the Forestry Agency.
1.6. During the service inspection, the following information about the condition is collected and documented:
- whether any violation of the law related to corruption has been committed or not, if committed:
- the time, place, method and other circumstances of the violation;
- the nature and amount of damage caused as a result of the committed act, if any;
- Circumstances that alleviate or aggravate the responsibility of the employee who committed the crime;
- personal and business qualities of the employee who is being audited;
- the conditions that allowed the crime to be committed;
- other information related to cases of crime.
1.7. All conducted service inspections are registered in the "Log of Service Inspections" of the Forestry State Agency, and their conduct is assigned to the agency's "Anti-corruption Compliance-Control Service" in accordance with Appendix 1.
Chapter II. Organization of service inspection.
2.1. The information received by the director of the agency or his deputy, or the head of the "Anti-corruption compliance-supervision service" on the commission of a corruption offense by an employee of the agency and system organizations is the basis for conducting a service inspection.
2.2. In order to carry out a service inspection, only the permission of the Director of the Agency or, in his absence, the Deputy Chairman for border, order and personnel affairs, based on a service letter written with justification by the head of the Anti-Corruption Compliance and Control Service of the Agency (Regulations Clause 1.4).
2.3. The order to conduct a service inspection shall specify the date of the inspection, its duration, the composition of the commission headed by the authorized person or chairman, as well as the facts that are the basis for conducting the service inspection.
2.4. If necessary, independent experts with the appropriate qualification level may be involved to determine the facts under investigation during the service audit.
2.5. The period of service inspection should not exceed 20 (twenty) days from the date of the order. This period also includes the time of preparation of the service inspection report.
2.6. Service inspection is carried out only on specified working days and during working hours.
2.7. The period of service review may be extended to a period not exceeding 6 (six) months if it coincides with the employee's illness and/or the employee's vacation.
2.8. An authorized person or the chairman of the commission develops a plan for conducting a service inspection, distributes work directions among the members of the commission, studies the legislation and other regulatory documents on the identified issues.
2.9. Employees who are directly or indirectly interested in its results may not participate in the service inspection.
Chapter III. Carrying out a service check.
3.1. Obligations of the authorized person and commission members during service inspection are as follows:
- protection of the rights of the agency's employees, strict and unconditional compliance with the agency's internal regulatory documents, the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- drawing conclusions on the results of the work by an authorized person or commission, based only on the actual data obtained and documented as a result of the inspection;
- timely inform the Director of the Agency about all the detected facts of violation;
if signs of a crime are detected during the service inspection, immediately notify the director of the agency and send the materials to the law-enforcement agencies in accordance with his instructions;
- to ensure that every identified violation is substantiated with the necessary documents, to formalize all the cases, errors, deficiencies, violations of the law, and the conditions that made them possible in the inspection report according to Appendix 2;
- to make proposals and recommendations for the elimination of identified errors and shortcomings, to compensate for the damage caused, as well as to apply disciplinary and other measures against the culprits.
3.2. Ensuring the preservation and return of original copies of documents received during service inspection, as well as information carriers.
3.3. The rights of the authorized person and members of the commission during the service inspection are as follows:
- free access to buildings (interiors of buildings, auxiliary rooms) in order to obtain the necessary materials and evidence that violations have been committed, and use the vehicles of agencies and system organizations for this purpose;
- inviting employees of the agency who have information about the ongoing service inspection to the inspection process, interviewing them and receiving written explanations from them. These explanatory letters from the employees are issued in the name of the director of the agency, written by hand or printed on a computer, signed by the person giving the explanation, with the name, place of writing, and time indicated. If the employee does not submit an explanatory letter regarding this situation within two working days, a report on this will be drawn up based on Appendix 3 in accordance with the labor legislation.
The employee's refusal to provide an explanation does not serve as a basis for disciplinary action against him.
- to demand from system organizations of the agency, as well as from other organizations, the guilt/innocence of the employee, as well as additional documents (copies, originals, recordings from video cameras, etc.) characterizing him positively;
- receiving advice from agency employees and independent experts in accordance with the established procedure regarding issues requiring special knowledge;
- inspection of non-residential buildings, structures (including offices, auditoriums, utility rooms, etc.), plot areas and vehicles on the agency's balance sheet and/or standing and a report on this in accordance with the established procedure 4- clearance based on application;
- to use the audio and video recording materials obtained as a result of the inspection of non-residential buildings of the agency, as well as the site areas and vehicles, in the service inspection process and add them as evidence to the case materials;
- study of data in the means of information storage;
- appointment of expertise using experts from qualified employees of the agency or independent experts;
- development of recommendations on the elimination of the reasons and conditions that allowed violations identified during the service inspection within the scope of their powers;
- to submit these recommendations to the director of the agency for consideration, to monitor their implementation if permission to implement relevant measures is obtained;
- if the person on whom the service check was conducted is dissatisfied with the results of the check, to attach his separate written opinion to the service check document;
3.4. Employees of the agency are obliged to provide the necessary assistance to the authorized person conducting the service inspection, to the members of the commission in the exercise of their powers.
3.5. The rights of persons subject to a service check:
- to provide or not to provide written explanations on the results of the service inspection;
- to appeal the decision made as a result of the service inspection in the prescribed manner;
- getting acquainted with service inspection materials.
Chapter IV. Formalization of service inspection results.
4.1. A document is drawn up on the results of the service inspection and it is signed by the authorized person, the chairman of the commission and all its members.
The following information is displayed in the document:
- grounds and reasons for conducting a service inspection;
- the position and name of the employee who was subject to a service review;
- the positions and names of the persons who conducted the service inspection;
- reasonable answers to the questions listed in clauses 1.2, 1.3, 1.6 of this Procedure;
- proposals to impose disciplinary punishment on the person who committed the offense, to hold him financially responsible (depending on the results of the investigation), measures aimed at eliminating the conditions that caused the offense to be committed, to terminate the service inspection or to confiscate the inspection materials proposals for referral to regulatory or supervisory authorities.
4.2. In case of disagreement with the conclusion of the service inspection or the content of some clauses of the document, the commission member signs it with his separate written opinion attached to the document. In this case, it is indicated in the document that there is a separate opinion attached.
4.3. The document of service inspection is presented to the employee who has been inspected and signed. At the same time, this employee has the right to receive a copy of the document.
4.4. The document of the service inspection together with the inspection materials is submitted to the Director of the Agency for making a final decision on the result of the conducted service inspection, and a copy of the document is sent to the Anti-Corruption Agency. Service inspection materials are page numbered and listed.
4.5. The director of the agency, after getting acquainted with the materials of the conducted service inspection, evaluates their completeness and objectivity, and makes the following decisions:
- applying one of the disciplinary punishments provided for in the labor law to the employee who committed the offense;
- recovery of material damage caused to the agency or system organizations in accordance with the procedure established by legislation;
- about making a preventive or warning decision against the employee;
- about making necessary additions and changes to the agency's internal regulatory documents;
- on the development of a new internal normative legal document of the agency;
- about returning the service inspection materials for additional inspection within the terms stipulated in this Procedure, with specific instructions;
- on sending service inspection materials to law enforcement or control bodies for decision-making in the established order;
- about adding a copy of the service inspection document to the employee's personal file;
- other decisions on eliminating the conditions that caused the offense to be committed.
4.6. The decision on the results of the service inspection is formalized by the order of the director of the Agency, indicating the persons responsible for its execution and the execution period, and it is announced to the relevant employee within 3 (three) working days, and a receipt is received. If the employer decides to take disciplinary measures against the employee, this order of the employer will be announced to the relevant employee within 3 (three) working days with his signature. If the employee refuses to sign the order after getting acquainted with it, a document will be drawn up according to Appendix 5.
4.7. The execution of the adopted decisions within the specified terms is mandatory for the persons entrusted with their execution, otherwise this situation will cause the responsible persons to be subject to disciplinary responsibility.
Chapter V. Final Rules.
5.1. The place of storage of service inspection materials is determined by the commission and indicated in the "Registration log of service inspections". The period of storage of materials is determined by the claim period (as a rule - 3 (three) years) based on the decisions made as a result of the inspection. In the event that the service inspection materials are sent to law enforcement agencies for the decision to open a criminal case, the term of storage of the materials is determined by the commission's decision according to the term of bringing the person to criminal responsibility. The period of storage of service inspection materials determined by the commission is indicated on the title page of the materials, as well as in the "Registration log of service inspections". A copy of the report of the service inspection is added to the employee's personal collection folder according to the decision of the Director of the Agency.
5.2 The employee may appeal the decision made by the Director of the Agency based on the results of the service inspection in accordance with the procedure established by law.
5.5 This Regulation shall come into force upon its approval by the Director of the Agency and shall remain in force until a new sector-specific regulation is implemented.