
Information on the social and economic development of the sector and the progress of economic reforms during the III quarter of 2015 by the General Directorate of Forestry

During the reporting period, the General Directorate of Forestry and the forest farms in its system carried out certain activities in order to deepen economic reforms in the sector, to ensure the fulfillment of socio-economic indicators.

During the III quarter of 2015, 18.3 thousand hectares (compared to the plan

108 percent), including new forest groves from desert plants were established on an area of 6.5 thousand hectares in the dry bottom of the Aral Sea, and measures were taken to support their natural regeneration.

Instead of the planned 224 hectares, nurseries and nurseries were established on an area of 262 hectares, and 117% of the planned plan was fulfilled

Resolution No. 683-F of the Cabinet of Ministers of October 16, 2012 on increasing the planting of tulip trees and Crimean pine seedlings

and in order to ensure the implementation of orders No. 539-f of August 24, 2013, during the month of planting seedlings, more than 4,600 tulip trees and more than 34,900 Crimean pine seedlings were planted in more than 39,000 branches.

In addition to the establishment and restoration of forests, for the purpose of their protection, protection, protection from diseases and pests, the planned area of 23.5 thousand hectares (100 percent compared to the plan) against forest diseases and pests, of which the planned 14.9 Biological control was carried out on a thousand hectares of land.

During the 3rd quarter of 2015, 141.5 km of fire roads, 36 km of new protective lines, 314 km of mineralized strips were built, 1611 km of the planned forest are important.

and fire protection roads and 1,485 km of mineralized lanes in the plan were repaired, and all indicators were fully fulfilled compared to the plan.

Meeting No. 5 of the Cabinet of Ministers dated January 19, 2015 "On measures to further expand the development of the forestry system, cultivation, preparation and processing of raw materials of medicinal and nutritious plants in 2015-2017" in order to ensure the implementation of the programs approved by the declaration, plantations of medicinal and nutritious plants on an area of 1822.8 hectares, 94 medicinal plant

and drying racks for raw materials of nutritious plants, 75 storage warehouses, 2 packaging lines for raw materials of medicinal and nutritious plants were established.

During the III quarter of 2015, 543.8 mln. soums (compared to last year

103.7 percent) of consumer goods were produced and paid services were provided to the population worth 61.4 thousand soums.

14 additional new workplaces were created on the basis of household production