
Information on the progress of socio-economic development of the sector and economic reforms in the system of the State Forestry Committee in 2017

During the reporting period, the State Forestry Committee and the forest farms within its system carried out certain activities to deepen economic reforms in the sector, to ensure the fulfillment of socio-economic indicators.

In 2016, 44,000 hectares of forests were planted, and in 2017, 44,500 hectares of land (101% increase) (wood-1,600 ha, nut-4,466 ha), including A forest was established on an area of 19,000 hectares in the dry bottom of the island.

In 2016, 17,200 hectares of forests were reforested, and in 2017, 18,000 hectares (102% increase). In 2018, such activities are planned to be carried out on 18,500 hectares.

For afforestation and nurseries

In 2016, 181 tons were produced, and in 2017, more than 240 tons (132% increase) of various tree and shrub seeds were produced. In 2018, a plan to prepare 300 tons of seeds has been set.

In 2016, 39 million seedlings and saplings were grown on 650 hectares for the purposes of forest establishment and greening, and in 2017, 45.0 million seedlings were grown in more than 700 hectares of nurseries (an increase of 115%). and seedlings were grown. Including, 19.9 million ornamental and fast-growing tree seedlings and seedlings, 4.5 million coniferous tree seedlings, 3.9 million fruit seedlings, 1.4 million walnut seedlings and 15 mln. More than 100,000 seedlings of desert plants were grown.

In 2018, it is planned to organize the cultivation of 50 million seedlings and saplings of various trees and shrubs for the needs of forestry enterprises and for the needs of organizations and residents.

In 2016, 33,600 hectares of young forests were cared for, and in 2017, they were carried out on 45,100 hectares (an increase of 134.2%). In 2018, it is planned to carry out these activities on 46 thousand hectares.

In addition to the establishment and restoration of forests, for the purpose of their protection, protection, protection from diseases and pests, against forest diseases and pests on the planned area of 25.9 thousand hectares (100 percent compared to the plan), of which the planned

Biological control was carried out on 15,700 hectares.

During 2017, 132 km of fire roads are planne

36 km of new protection lines, 279 km of mineralized strips have been built, 1756 km of planned forestry and fire protection roads and 1791 km of planned mineralized strips have been repaired, all indicators are complete compared to the plan done.

The Cabinet of Ministers of January 25, 2017 "Measures for 2017 on wide use of opportunities of forestry, further development of cultivation, preparation and processing of medicinal plants, strengthening of material and technical base of forestry" on the implementation of the minutes of the meeting No. 03-12-5 "on activities" to increase the number of species of medicinal plants grown culturally in forestry farms and to expand the area of cultural plantations by forestry in order to increase the volume of preparation and cultivation of plants

Plantations of 45 types of medicinal and nutritious plants were established on an area of 1,995 hectares. Raw materials of medicinal plants worth 4205 million soums were delivered to pharmaceutical enterprises. in 2017

5,379.3 tons of naturally growing medicinal and nutritional plant raw materials were allocated a quota.

This year, 4,200 tons of raw materials of 61 types of medicinal and nutritious plants were prepared in the forest farms of the system.

During 2017, 1,220.7 mln. consumer goods worth 101,100 soums (153.2 percent compared to last year) were produced and paid services were provided to the population worth 101.1 thousand soums (118 percent compared to last year).

371 additional new jobs were created on the basis of household production.

In 2016, 2,854 tons of fruit and nut products were grown, and 975 million soums were earned. In 2017, 3,178 tons (increase of 111.3%) of products were produced, amounting to 5.6 billion. Soum income was received.

In 2018, 3,966 tons (an increase of 124%) are planned, amounting to 7.7 billion. it is planned to earn soums.

In 2016, 284 tons of technical and oil crops were grown.

625 million soums were earned. In 2017, 1,129 tons (398% growth) of products were produced, and 2.8 billion soums of income was obtained. 6,580 tons (an increase of 583%) are planned for 2018, and 4.8 billion soums will be earned.

In 2016, 3,476 tons of vegetables and fruit products were grown, amounting to 1.1 billion. Soum income was received. In 2017, 4,227 tons (an increase of 122%) were produced and 3.8 billion soums were earned. 18,039 tons are planned for 2018 (427% increase), 6.9 billion. Soum income is received.

In 2016, 3,595 tons of grain and legume products were grown