
Anti-corruption program in the Forestry Agency system

Section 1 Ensuring legitimacy in the agency system, forming an intolerant attitude towards corruption among employees

1. One of the main tasks of the committee is to prevent corruption and other violations in the system of the Forestry Agency (hereinafter referred to as the Agency), to identify, analyze and eliminate the causes and conditions that allow them to be committed.

2. The main goal of the Program is to ensure legitimacy in the agency system, to form an intolerant attitude towards corruption among employees, to prevent conflicts of interest, to ensure the inevitability of responsibility for committing corruption offenses, and to regulate relations in the field of fighting corruption.

3. The following are the main tasks in the fight against corruption in the agency system:

- ensuring coordination and mutual cooperation of agency system organizations in the fight against corruption;

- assessment and management of corruption risk;

- organizing the development and implementation of measures to raise the legal consciousness and legal culture of employees, to form an uncompromising attitude towards corruption in the system;

- to ensure the effectiveness of measures to identify corruption-related offenses, prevent them and put an end to them, eliminate their consequences, as well as the causes and conditions that enable these evils;

- collection and analysis of information on the state and trends of corruption;

- preparation of proposals for improvement of legislation on combating corruption and improvement of work in this field;

- ensuring international cooperation in the fight against corruption.

Section 2. Organizational measures to prevent corruption in all areas of the agency system

4. To prevent corruption by the officials and other employees of the agency and system organizations in the performance of their professional or service obligations, to introduce the criteria of the effectiveness of the fight against corruption and the systems for evaluating its quality.

5. In order to identify areas where there are risks of corruption in the activities of agencies and system organizations, conduct a public survey among citizens on the website and social network page of the committee on the topic "Let's defeat corruption together" and share the results of the survey. analysis and development of "road maps" aimed at eliminating its factors.

6. Development of suggestions for identifying and managing the risk of corruption in the agency system.

7. Determining the conditions for filling and appointing vacant positions according to the internal rules and through the "" portal.

8. Ensuring transparency by introducing the participation of public representatives in the process of selection or interview of employees, as well as video recording.

9. Reconsidering the issues of placement of employees working in agencies and system organizations. In doing so, to identify employees who have been working effectively in one position for a long time and to prepare suggestions for applying the practice of transferring them to at least one higher position.

10. Introduction of the system of studying the social situation of the employees of the agency and system organizations. In doing so, forming a list of low-income, disabled and multi-child employees and keeping track of their status and, if necessary, preparing proposals for measures to provide material support.

11. Development of mechanisms to ensure fair distribution of material assets in agency and system organizations. Determining the procedure for using service cars and other material assets based on the scope and needs of employees.

12. Analyzing purchase prices by regions and republics for each product position in state purchases, achieving optimal prices.

13. In order to increase the transparency and freedom of information on public procurement, to collect, process and analyze all information on public procurement, and to organize a single database that provides its use to all interested parties.

14. To create a possibility to monitor the correctness of payments and calculations in agencies and system organizations, to prepare proposals for expanding the possibility of filing complaints for employees.

15. Publish information related to the financial and economic activities of the agency and system organizations (list of contracts related to state procurement) on the websites of the committee and system organizations.

16. Improvement of the "compliance-control" system in state purchases.

17. Preparation of proposals on the establishment of cooperation with international organizations on the fight against corruption in the activities of agencies and system organizations.

18. Reviewing and analyzing regulatory legal documents regulating services provided by agencies and system organizations. Development of proposals for simplification of complex public services, elimination of norms with corruption loopholes.

Section 3. Forming an intolerant attitude towards corruption in the agency system and raising the legal awareness and legal culture of employees.

19. Preparation and distribution of informational and analytical materials aimed at forming an intolerant attitude towards corruption in the agency system, raising the legal consciousness and legal culture of employees.

20. Preparation and distribution of educational materials aimed at promoting the fact that corruption is a very negative evil for the development of the society and the country to the employees of the agency system.

21. Preparation of social videos within the framework of the fight against corruption, as well as preparation of promotional materials, didactic materials, multiplication films on the topics of corruption, honesty, correctness, respect for the law, celebration of justice.

22. Organization of "Month of fight against corruption" events in the agency system.

Section 4. Timely detection of corruption-related offenses, putting an end to them and eliminating the enabling reasons and conditions, ensuring the inevitability of responsibility for committing corruption-related offenses.

23. To open a special page on the agency's website that allows complaints about employees, to establish a mechanism for regularly analyzing received complaints and preparing reasonable proposals based on the results.

24. Preparation of proposals to prevent complaints by introducing a video and audio recording system when receiving individuals and legal entities or their representatives in the administrative buildings of agencies and system organizations.

25. In the field of combating corruption in agencies and system organizations, the state of corruption, its aspects, scope, growth rates and trends, as well as the effectiveness of the measures being taken in the field of fighting corruption in the context of the central apparatus of the agency, regional and administrative organizations conducting research on learning.

26. Monitoring of the fact that an employee with a higher position in the agency and its system gave instructions to an employee of a lower position to carry out his personal work (to finish work on the street, pick up his child from an educational institution, etc.) development of the transfer plan and holding the relevant officials responsible for the result.

27. Implementation of the system for evaluating the quality of service provided by applicants to the agency.

28. Introduction of the procedure of conducting a preventive interview by the agency at least once a year with employees of regional and administrative organizations.

29. Implementation of real-time remote centralized audio and video monitoring system in the Agency and its system, while maintaining the confidentiality of services.

30. Introduction of the procedure for awarding the persons who reported the corrupt behavior committed by the officials of the agency and system organizations.

31. Preparation of proposals for further improvement of the rules of etiquette in conducting studies in other organizations by authorized employees. In this case, it is intended to prohibit going to common dining places together with the employees of the organization where the study is being conducted.

32. Determining a strict mechanism for reimbursement of expenses related to service trips in the prescribed manner. In this case, increasing the funds allocated for the expenses of business trips to employees sent to regional and administrative organizations for a comprehensive check, and the system of covering these expenses when providing checks confirming that the funds used for travel, hotel and meals are paid only from the employee's plastic card. making proposals for implementation.

Section 5. Expected results from the adoption of the program.

33. The following results are expected from the implementation of the anti-corruption program in the system of the Forestry Agency:

- prevention of corruption, conflict of interests and other violations in agency system organizations;

-achieving openness of the activities of organizations in the agency system and further increasing the responsibility of employees in relation to the performance of assigned tasks;

- evaluation of the effectiveness of the activities of officials and other employees of agency and system organizations based on new criteria;

- improvement of the morals of the employees of agencies and system organizations in their professional and non-service activities;

- to ensure the effectiveness of measures to prevent corruption in the activities of agencies and system organizations.