
Anti-corruption policy of the Forestry Agency

Chapter 1. General rules

1. The policy of fighting corruption of the State Forestry Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) in order to increase the level of anti-corruption culture among employees and society, the commitment of the Committee and system organizations to high ethical standards, also reflects intolerance of corruption offenses in the activities of its employees and prevention of their commission.

2. Policy in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, taking into account the requirements of the international standard ISO 37001:2016 "Anti-corruption management systems - Requirements and recommendations for use" on the basis of the recommendations of international organizations on the fight against corruption and leading international practice developed.

3. The Central Office of the State Forestry Committee, the Forestry Committee of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regional forestry departments and system organizations (hereinafter referred to as the Committee and system organizations) should adopt this policy taking into account the importance of their activities, develop and implement anti-corruption mechanisms based on existing corruption risk, experience and available resources.

4. The main goals of the committee and system organizations to fight against corruption are:

- introduction and development of a comprehensive system that meets the requirements of the international standard ISO 37001:2016 in the committee and system organizations, in particular, the anti-corruption system;

- to increase the legal awareness and legal culture of employees, to form an intolerant attitude towards corruption in the society;

- implementation of measures to prevent corruption in all spheres of activities of the committee and system organizations;

- timely detection of corruption offenses, elimination of them, elimination of their consequences, causes and conditions, ensuring the principle of inevitability of responsibility for committing corruption offenses.

5. As an internal document of the committee, the policy is the basis for defining the basic requirements and principles aimed at preventing and combating corruption-related offenses in the activities of the committee and system organizations in order to achieve the above-mentioned main goals.

6. The position held by the requirements of this Policy and applies to all employees who enter into labor relations with the committee, regardless of their duties and functions.

7. Recruitment to the committee and system organizations individuals are obliged to familiarize themselves with this Policy and comply with its provisions by signing it.

8. For the purposes of this Policy, the following key concepts and terms are used:

employee - a physical person employed on the basis of an employment contract (agreement) in the central office of the State Forestry Committee, the Forestry Committee of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regional forestry departments and organizations in the system person;

related persons - persons participating in the authorized capital of commercial organizations with an employee, except for the cases where the shares are less than five percent of joint-stock companies publicly traded on the Republican Stock Exchange;

hospitality in the course of work - expenses related to cooperation and (or) support during activities in the interests of employees, including expenses related to business-related dinners, transportation and living expenses, etc;

reporting corruption in good faith - a message sent by an employee about the commission of a corruption offense (attempted commission) through authorized communication channels, with confidence that it is justified;

counterparty (contractual partner) - committee and system organizations any legal entity or individual who entered into contractual relations (except employment relations);

corruption - a person's material use of his position or official position for his personal interests or the interests of other persons

or unlawfully using it for the purpose of obtaining immaterial benefit, as well as unlawfully presenting such property;

corrupt actions - directly due to actions or inactions by the employee in the interests of the bribe giver or indirectly, personally or through third parties, receiving, demanding, offering, promising and giving bribes, i.e. money, valuable securities, other property, proprietary services, other proprietary rights, as well as bribery mediation in giving and (or) receiving, receiving payments for simplification of formalities, towards the employee

Chapter 2. Basic principles of combating corruption

9. The committee and system organizations implement the anti-corruption system based on the following principles:

legality - measures to combat corruption in the committee and system organizations are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, taking into account the internationally recognized practice of combating corruption in state bodies and in accordance with the established internal documents of the committee system ;

intolerance to corruption - committee and system organizations any forms of corruption in all spheres of their activity and views are treated intolerantly, committee and system organization employees are prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in activities that may pose a risk of corruption;

openness and transparency - to inform employees and counterparties and the general public about the measures adopted and implemented in the field of fighting corruption in the committee system;

system and interdependence - the committee and system organizations are responsible for the commission of corrupt acts and corrupt practices gives priority to the implementation of systematic, preventive measures aimed at eliminating the causes and conditions contributing to risks. Anti-corruption measures and procedures are in accordance with the level of identified risks and integrated into the anti-corruption system, which is integrated into all functions and directions of the committee and system organizations;

the inevitability of responsibility - employees who commit corruption-related offenses are held accountable in accordance with the internal documents of the committee and the current legislation, regardless of their status and position;

use of the achievements of technical development - committee and strives to use the latest achievements of scientific development, including integrated information systems, in creating a system for combating corruption in system organizations;

mutual cooperation with representatives of civil society - the committee and system organizations involve representatives of civil society in order to independently control the activities of the committee and system organizations based on honesty and impartiality in performing the functions assigned to them;

continuous improvement of the anti-corruption system - monitoring of the anti-corruption system and based on the results of monitoring and implementation of corruption risks, the committee and system organizations take measures to continuously improve the effectiveness of the anti-corruption system.

Chapter 3. Elements of the anti-corruption system

10. Relying on the principle of "zero tolerance" to corruption, all employees are prohibited from participating in any acts related to corruption, i.e. acting in the interest of the briber or for not acting, directly or indirectly, personally or through third parties. money, securities, other property and services of a property nature) demanding, extorting, promising and giving bribes, mediating in giving and (or) receiving bribes, receiving payments to simplify formalities, receiving bribes by a person or other illegal purposes Illegal use of the service position is strictly prohibited.

11. The following are the main elements of the system of combating corruption in the committee and system organizations:

a) the existence of the main internal documents on fighting corruption, that is, the basis of the system of fighting corruption in the committee and system organizations:

this Policy Regulations on the Anti-Corruption Compliance-Control Service at the State Forestry Committee;

Code of ethics of employees of the State Forestry Committee;

Regulation on conflict of interest management;

Anti-corruption program;

Also, the committee establishes other regulations and procedures adopted in this field.

b) "Top-down approach" - High-level leadership model:

- the leaders of the committee and system organizations, as well as the leaders of their structural divisions, should be an example of honest, fair and independent behavior in relations with their subordinates, citizens and legal entities;

- the chairman of the committee and his deputies and heads of system organizations demonstrate leadership in the creation and implementation of an effective system of combating corruption by:

- effective anti-corruption fight against risky functions (directions) of committee and system organizations

Facilitate the implementation of measures and procedures, including the development of an anti-corruption program/roadmap and monitoring its implementation;

- within the framework of the fulfillment of their professional duties, to form an intolerant attitude to all forms and manifestations of corruption in employees, to comply with the legal norms and accepted internal documents on combating corruption, and to act as a personal example in terms of ethical behavior;

c) identification and assessment of corruption risk:

- their activities depending on the nature of the functions of the committee and system organizations, their organizational structure, their interaction with society and other individuals, and other internal and external factors identifies and assesses inherent corruption risks;

- committee within the framework of identification and assessment of corruption risk and all spheres of activity of system organizations are corrupt analyzed in order to identify the functions that are most exposed to risk, all forms and procedures of anti-corruption control that exist in them are identified analyzed in terms of adequacy to reduce risks. In the process of identification and assessment of risks, the relevant heads of the committee and system organizations, persons coordinating the fight against corruption participate under the active support and control of the Anti-Corruption Compliance-Control Service;

- the committee and system organizations recognize the need to manage corruption risks, regardless of the probability of their occurrence and the degree of impact, taking into account the principle of "absolute zero tolerance" for corrupt actions;

- assessment of corruption risks is carried out at least once a year. The results of the assessment of corruption risks are reviewed by the chairman of the committee and the heads of system organizations, and the anti-corruption measures and procedures that reduce the identified risks are reflected in the anti-corruption programs of the committee.

g) persons and units responsible for combating corruption:

- in order to establish an effective anti-corruption system in the committee system, the anti-corruption compliance-control service was established, which is responsible for the formation and control process of anti-corruption in the committee;

- the anti-corruption compliance-supervision service has sufficient independence and important resources in the implementation of anti-corruption tasks in the committee, and reports directly to the chairman of the committee and the deputy chairman for regime and personnel issues ;

- to corruption