
About forestry

As of January 1, 2007, the area of ​​lands under the Main Department of Forestry of the Republic is 8.7 million hectares or 18.1% of the total area of ​​the Republic. Of this, the forested area is 2.7 million hectares and 5.3% of the total land area of ​​the country.

There are 7 regional central forestries in the forestry system of the Republic and they include 54 forestries, 8 independent forestries, 8 special forestries, 6 nature reserves, 5 hunting farms, 1 national park and 21 production sites. .

In recent years, great importance has been attached to the development of forestry. As a result, the forest fund’s land area was 5.1 million hectares, bringing it to 8.7 million hectares by 2006, while several new forestries were established on these lands.

By the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 13 of January 2, 1993, 400,000 hectares of forested areas belonging to other systems have been transferred to the jurisdiction of the General Directorate to date.

In 2007, in Surkhandarya region, 27.1 thousand hectares of unique coniferous pine forests belonging to the company’s farms, which were transformed into farms, were transferred to the forestry.

In Kashkadarya region, some work is being done to transfer forested areas to forest lands.

Due to the importance of forests in the country and their small size, in accordance with the existing regulations, mass felling has been stopped and felling is allowed only to improve the sanitary condition of forests.

Every year, 30-35 thousand m3 of timber is extracted from all types of cutting operations and used in local construction works and in the production of consumer goods in the workshops organized in forestry.

In addition, the forestry system annually produces more than 65 tons of nuts, more than 15 tons of almonds, 30 tons of pistachios, 2,500 tons of fruits and vegetables and about 300 tons of medicinal and food plants. In recent years, work has been done on the packaging and delivery of these medicinal and food plants and, in part, agricultural products to retail outlets.

Every year, new forests are planted on 42,000 hectares of land of the Republican Forest Fund. 80% of them are forest plantations on the dried bottom of the Aral Sea and in the Aral Sea region. In the mountainous areas, 3 species of spruce, walnut, almond, pistachio and other species of trees are planted in the valley areas, poplar, maple, elm, fruit trees and other fast-growing trees.

In recent years, the method of planting seedlings has been widely used due to the fact that the establishment of cultivated forests by sowing seeds does not give good results. This in turn gives good results in ensuring the transition to a forested area.

In order to meet the needs of the population of the republic and the national economy in wood raw materials, the General Directorate of Forestry attaches great importance to the expansion of industrial plantations of poplar and other fast-growing trees. According to the Government Resolution No. 62 of February 8, 1994, a total of 4.0 thousand hectares of industrial plantations will be established on 400 hectares per year, and plantations of terracotta and other fast-growing industrial trees will be planted on 5.3 thousand hectares of forest lands. built. The seedlings planted in the beginning are now being cut down as industrial timber and replaced by new industrial plantations. On average, 200 m3 of wood is extracted from each hectare, a total of 5-6 thousand m3. These raw materials are used in the production of consumer goods in the workshops set up on each farm. Nowadays, as a result of increasing the range of products and attaching great importance to their quality, forestry products have found their place in the domestic market of the republic.

Today, there are more than 800,000 hectares of artificial forests on the lands of the forest fund. Of these, 1.4 thousand hectares are coniferous, 4.4 thousand hectares are hard-leaved, 6.4 thousand hectares are soft-leaved, 24.8 thousand hectares are walnut and walnut and other types of forests.

One of the ecological problems to be solved is to prevent the release of sand and harmful salt particles into the air on the bottom of the Aral Sea. In the first years, 3-4 thousand hectares were planted per year. Since 2000, 15-20 thousand hectares per year have been planted with protective forests. today the area has exceeded 300,000 hectares.

Scientifically based, adapted and tested tree and shrub seedlings are being planted in areas with difficult soil and climatic conditions. For example, the rocky lands of the Shoberdi forest department of the Kokand forestry are being developed, and pistachio, almond and walnut seedlings are being planted in this area on the advice of scientists. The purpose is to stop the path of light sands on the dried bottom of the Aral Sea

The construction of mechanical barriers and the creation of new forests under their protection, as well as the widespread introduction by scientists of technologies that require very little money for the natural development of forests, are being carried out on a large scale.

Foreign investments are being attracted to the republic’s forestry system. The International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, the French NGO Kofutis, the German Technical Cooperation Center, the US Section 416- (b) program and the Turkish Ministry of Forestry and Environment are providing technical assistance. At the same time, since 2006 the work on further development of the republic’s forestry in cooperation with the UN FAO has been carried out within the framework of the “National Program for the Development of the Republic’s Forestry”. Republican forestry specialists have returned to developed countries to participate in international meetings and training courses and exchange experiences. In particular, they are visiting the United States, the Czech Republic, Italy, Russia, Slovakia, China, the Philippines, Turkey, Iran, Austria and other countries.

In order to beautify and plant greenery in cities and settlements, the Republican Scientific Production Center for Ornamental Horticulture and Forestry was established within the Main Department to develop and implement the basics and promising technologies for growing seedlings of ornamental plants, to develop a unified system of certification and standardization of seedlings. Work has begun on the development of recommendations for the zoning of ornamental plants, taking into account the soil and climatic conditions, the implementation of service work on planting seedlings.

At the initiative of the Main Department of Forestry, a month of planting trees was organized in the spring of this year in order to increase the green wealth of the republic. 54.8 million instead of the target 50.4 million. seedlings of various ornamental trees were planted. Of this, 1.2 million seedlings will be delivered by enterprises to enterprises and organizations.

Forestry enterprises are actively involved in large-scale landscaping and landscaping works before the celebration of the 2700th anniversary of Karshi, 2000th anniversary of Margilan, 2750th anniversary of Samarkand, as well as landscaping and landscaping of Imam al-Bukhari complex, Hakim at-Termizi, Jaloliddin Manguberdi complex, , Sponsored 2 million different seedlings. In addition, every year more than 100,000 saplings are provided free of charge to all orphanages, hospitals, sanatoriums, educational institutions and many other places in the country, and 170-200 million soums are provided to low-income, disabled and needy families.

One of the effective means of combating wind and water erosion in the country is the cutting of mountain slopes in the form of stairs, the establishment of pine and walnut groves. Relevant normative documents have been adopted to implement this issue, and on this basis, the work on the cultivation of spruce saplings and the establishment of forests from them is underway. In particular, in forestry located in the mountains and foothills, 50,000 juniper seedlings were grown on a scientific basis by the closed root method, as well as rare, blue and ordinary hand seedlings on a high-tech basis.

In recent years, due to the rapid development of new construction in the country, as well as the growing number of landscaping and landscaping works, great attention is paid to the cultivation of marketable, marketable seedlings in forestry, given the growing demand for seedlings of rare and valuable trees. Every year, 32 mln. seedlings were grown. This figure has now reached 50 million units per year. In particular, 3 million seedlings of coniferous and 15 million seedlings of fruit trees are being grown.

In order to develop the national economy after gaining independence, large specialized production centers are being built in the country. Several decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers were adopted to establish a green oasis on the outskirts of these facilities. In the territory of the Shurtangaz chemical complex, reserve forests have been established on an area of ​​5,000 hectares. Organizational work is underway to beautify the interior of the Kungrad soda plant and plant a green oasis around it.

Given the growing demand for medicinal and food plants in recent years, instructions have also been issued for the cultivation of several species of plants in the country. On this issue in the republic every year 50 hectares

More than a dozen wetlands are being built.

Given the high demand for some seedlings in the country, appropriate instructions have been given to increase the number of these seedlings. In this regard, the volume of cultivation of Japanese safflower, Eldar pine, spruce trees and afforestation in 2006-2011 has been determined in the country. As of today, the set tasks have been fulfilled in excess, and forests have been established from rare and productive trees on a total area of ​​more than 200 hectares in the country.

In the past period, scientific research was conducted on 21 topics approved by the Scientific and Technical Council at state enterprises, national parks and forestry, and according to preliminary results, 23 scientific articles were published in various newspapers and magazines of the country.

51 heads of Bukhara deer, 412 heads of Bukhara deer in free conditions, 1600 heads of Kyzylkum sheep in 11 free conditions, 180-200 heads of Burama horned goats (marxur) and 23-30 heads of Bukhara in the reserves of the reserve The sheep are protected.

High-level special computers that meet the requirements for the installation of forest monitoring, as well as geodetic, cartographic works have been installed on the lands of the Forest Fund. The state enterprise Uzgiproormonloyiha has received a license from the Cabinet of Ministers to carry out geodetic and cartographic works.

The economic situation of forestry is improving year by year. In 2000, the total income amounted to 1.8 billion soums, and by the end of 2006 it amounted to 4.3 billion soums.

One of the most pressing issues today is to protect these farms from wind and water erosion and to prevent salinization by reducing groundwater. One of the issues to improve the reclamation of lands is the establishment of protected forests in the fields and pastures. In recent years, little attention has been paid to this issue. As of 1992, 40,000 hectares of protected forests had been established on agricultural lands throughout the country. To date, many of these forests have been cut down or become biologically depleted and unable to perform their protective functions. In view of these circumstances, the establishment of protected forests should be left to the discretion of the leadership of the republic, and it is necessary to allocate land and funds in a centralized manner.