
About the work done in the field of forestry during the first quarter of 2015

During the reporting period, certain activities were carried out by forestry companies to deepen economic reforms in the sector, to ensure the fulfillment of socio-economic indicators. Including:

On the area of 18.3 thousand hectares, including 6.8 thousand hectares in the dry bottom of the Aral Sea, new forests were established from desert plants, and measures were taken to support their natural regeneration. Nurseries and nurseries were established on an area of 153 hectares;

During the month of planting, more than 3,800 tulip trees, 50,000 Crimean pine trees, and 82,000 chilonji trees were planted throughout the country. Currently, the planting of ornamental and fruit tree and shrub seedlings is being continued in an organized manner;

In addition to the establishment and restoration of forests, for the purpose of their protection, protection, protection from diseases and pests, biological control was carried out on 751 hectares of forest diseases and pests, of which 175 hectares. Also, 47 km of fire roads, 2 km of new protective lines, and 22 km of mineralized strips were built. In addition, 123 km of forestry and fire prevention roads, 43 km of mineralized lanes were repaired;

Medicinal and nutritious plant plantations were established on an area of 1,945 hectares. A total of 265 contracts were concluded with pharmaceutical enterprises for the supply of medicinal and nutritious plants, including 46 with enterprises of the Ministry of Health, 58 with AK "Dori-Darmon" and 161 with "Pharmaceutical enterprises" .

212.4 million soums worth of consumer goods (110.7% compared to last year) were produced and 21.8 thousand soums worth of paid services were provided to the population in the sectors of additional use of forest fund lands. 8 additional new workplaces were created on the basis of household production.