
Information on the work carried out in 2015 on the development of the forestry sector

During the reporting year, new forests were planted on 43 thousand hectares, including 17 thousand hectares in the dry bottom of the Aral Sea, and measures were taken to support the natural regeneration of desert areas.

In 2015, more than 4,700 tulip trees, 36,000 Crimean pines, and more than 39,000 sycamore trees were planted in our republic, among other fruit and ornamental trees.

In addition to the establishment and restoration of forests, for the purpose of their protection, protection, protection from diseases and pests, 24.5 thousand hectares of forest diseases and pests, of which 15.1 hectares of biological control were carried out.

Plantations of medicinal and nutritious plants, 94 racks for drying medicinal and nutritious plant raw materials, 75 storage warehouses, 2 packaging of medicinal and nutritious plant raw materials on an area of 1822.8 hectares for the purpose of cultural reproduction of medicinal plants. line was established.

721.8 million soums worth of consumer goods were produced and 78.1 thousand soums worth of paid services were provided to the population in the sectors of additional use of forest fund lands.

Information service