
Forest use

Plots of the state forest fund can be used by legal entities and individuals.

A fee is paid for using the forest. The amount of payments and the procedure for their collection are determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Forest use can be permanent or temporary. Forestry enterprises, institutions and organizations whose lands of the Forest Fund have been transferred to permanent ownership are permanent users of the forest. Temporary forest use can be short-term - up to three years and long-term - up to ten years. The right to use the forest is granted to legal entities and individuals, unless otherwise stipulated by legislation, by state forestry bodies or by enterprises, institutions and organizations authorized by them. Forest use is allowed on the basis of a special permit - logging or forest ticket. Forest users have the right to use the plots of the state forest fund only for the types of forest use provided for in special permits.

Types of forest use include:

cutting trees and bushes;

additional use of the forest (mowing hay, feeding cattle, placing beehives and boxes, preparation (collection) of medicinal raw materials of wild plants and preparation (collection) of wild plants for food purposes;

use of plots of the state forest fund for the needs of hunting;

use of plots of the state forest fund for scientific research purposes;

use of plots of the state forest fund for cultural-educational, educational, health improvement, recreational and aesthetic purposes.

Other types of forest use may be provided for in legal documents.