
Forest restoration and seed-growing

Every year, the forestry sector of the republic carries out afforestation on an average of 235,000 hectares, of which 224,000 hectares belong to the desert region, including 128 on the dry bottom of the Aral Sea. artificial forests are being built from desert plants on a thousand hectares. The establishment of new forests is carried out by planting seeds, planting seedlings and supporting natural regeneration. In the desert areas, new forests will be established from the types of trees and shrubs, such as saxovul, cherkez, kandym, yulgun, karaburok, which are resistant to salt and drought.

In the mountainous regions of our republic, 3.5 thousand hectares of new forests will be established, they are mainly spruce, pistachio nuts, walnuts, common almonds and other fruit trees and shrubs.
In the valley regions of our republic, new forests of fast-growing fruit trees and shrubs are established every year on an area of 1.4 thousand hectares. In the forest areas, a forest is established from the species of birch, willow, and 0.4 thousand hectares every year.
Every year, 1,100 tons of seeds of various trees and shrubs are prepared by forestry companies in order to establish new forests and establish nurseries.
120 mln. seedlings and seedlings of trees and shrubs are grown. Half of these cultivated seedlings and saplings are used by forestry companies for their own needs, and were delivered to organizations and residents for the implementation of the nationwide project "Green Space". In addition, 200 bushes of all kinds of fruit and decorative seedlings were delivered to each neighborhood free of charge. and the rest is left for maintenance.
In recent years, attention has been paid to the cultivation of ornamental tree saplings. Currently, nurseries have valuable seedlings such as false chestnut, Japanese sophora, tulip tree, and Crimean pine for sale.