
Possibilities of protection and breeding of carpet plant in Uzbekistan.

Plant organs containing biologically active substances that have a positive effect on the human body are used in the treatment. Roots, leaves, bark, flowers, fruits and other parts of plants are usually used as medicinal products. The resin-juice extracted from the root of the ferula plant is used in medicine.

Ferula belongs to the Celery-Apiaceae family and consists of perennial herbs. There are more than 160 species of carpet on earth, 104 species in Central Asian republics, and more than 50 species in Uzbekistan. Depending on the different types of rugs, local residents call them by the names of sassik rug, rova, ravshak, kamal, morcha kamal and other names.

10 species are mainly used to obtain resin-glue, these are sassik koravgi, rova, kuhiston kavragi and other names, these species are very similar to each other in external morphology, but in nature, sassik korovak (Ferula assa-foetida) is widespread, and the resin-glue produced and delivered to consumers in our republic is mainly obtained from this species.

The height of the carpet is up to 1.5-2 meters, the root is up to 15-20 cm thick, it is located in a beet-like pit. The stem of the plant grows and blooms once every 8-9 years - monocarp. The stem is upright, thick, and the upper part is branched. Root leaves are sessile, divided three times. The leaves are oblong or lanceolate. The leaves on the stem are smaller, the outside is covered with a lot of hairs, and they are arranged in a row with the sheath of the stem. The flowers are gathered in a complex canopy. The flower is light yellow, without a calyx, 5 petals, 5 petals, two-digit maternal node, located below. The fruit is a two-lobed grain.

It blooms in March-April, the fruit ripens in April-May. The above-ground parts of the plant live for 1.5-2 months, depending on the growing environment and weather conditions.

Species belonging to the genus Kovrak are widespread in the Caucasus, Central Asian republics, Western Siberia, Mediterranean regions, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, China and India. Tashkent, Surkhandarya, Kashkadarya, Samarkand, Jizzakh, Navoi, Bukhara. and in the regions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, it grows in sandy deserts, hills, mountains and sub-mountain steppes, on pure soil.

The composition of glue-resin used in medicine consists of essential oils, organic sulfides, pinene, coumarins, and other compounds that give it a garlic smell.

The gum-resin of the bark is used in folk medicine to treat varicose veins, pulmonary tuberculosis, plague, wounds, whooping cough, toothache, nerves and other diseases, and as an invigorating, expectorant. It is used as a dewormer and anthelmintic.

Very young branches of the kovarak are chopped and made into curd to treat dangerous swellings and wounds. Alcohol tincture of glue-resin, emulsion and pills are used for asthma, vascular spasms and nervous diseases. In scientific medicine, carpet glue-resin is used as a powder, emulsion and alcohol tincture under the name of "assa foyetida" and as an analgesic and sedative and is included in the pharmacopoeia of many countries. From the Eastern countries, in Iran, Pakistan, India and Afghanistan, carpet glue and roots are used as a spice in cooking, and in the cosmetics industry in the production of attortion products.

Extraction of tar-glue from the root of the korak starts from early spring and continues until autumn, therefore, the periods of tar extraction are divided into spring and summer seasons. The spring stage is considered to be a preparatory period, at this stage the area for glue-resin extraction is determined, the general stock of the carpet is determined, and the plants for glue-resin extraction are determined. As we have already mentioned, Kovrak is a monocarpic plant, so it does not have a stem in the whole bush, so it is necessary to clean the root of the plant from the stem and above-ground leaves and prepare it for taking resin. For this purpose, digging around the root of the carpet is 5-10 cm deep and 20-25 cm wide, and the upper part of the root is opened. After opening the upper part of the root of the cocoon, it is cut to get the resin, after 5-6 days, the quality resin "Donak" juice is collected, and the collected resin is collected. it is removed, then it is cut again in a new place, during the season, it can be cut 15-20 times, depending on the size of the root of the plant. After the end of the glue-tar collection season, each bush should be covered with soil so that the plant does not dry out in the future.

As we mentioned above, carpet glue-tar has been prepared and used in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India since ancient times. Neighboring republics, especially Tajikistan, have been preparing for several years. In our republic, the production of carpet glue officially started in 2006. In this case, state forestry enterprises