19/04/24, 17:05

What do you know about the beautiful catalpa that lives up to 200 years?

A catalpa tree with a beautiful and unrepeatable view. A tree that reaches 15-20(30) m in height. This type of tree belongs to the bignonia family. The body grows upright, the branches are wide and pyramidal in shape. The bark of the trunk and branches is red-brown and widely spread. The face is clear green, hairless, and the back is odorless. Homeland - North America. Resistant to salinity. Heat-loving. Loves moisture and is resistant to drought. Light lover. It can be planted by irrigation in all regions of Uzbekistan (except for saline soils).

Today, this tree is being cared for in the Ohangaron forestry of the Tashkent region. According to experts, there are 14 species of catalpa tree. This tree is propagated from seeds, cuttings and root shoots. The wood is light, soft, resistant to decay. In the past, catalpa wood was used as poles for electricity transmission and on railways. Because wood does not lose its quality even in the case of precipitation. The flower is white, bell-shaped, has a ball-like appearance.

5 species of catalpa grow in the Tashkent Botanical Garden. There are cold-resistant and frost-resistant types of beautiful catalpa. The most common method of propagation of landscape plants is propagation from seeds. The fruit of this tree is also harvested and propagated. The growth rate of catalpa is 1-2 m per year. Resistant to dehydration. Lives up to 200 years.

It should be noted that the main goal of landscaping measures is to ensure the prosperity of the territories, to give them a more attractive appearance, and at the same time, to create conditions for a clean atmosphere. The amount of seedlings planted this year is more, if not more, than in previous years. A lot of work and a lot of money are spent in forestry to grow seedlings.