30/05/24, 17:14

In the past period of 2024, more than 2,500 clarifications and warnings against forest fires and forest fires were carried out.

Davron Ravshanov, head of the Department of Forestry Agency, informed about this at a briefing held at AOKA.

970 km of intermediate areas, 910 km of fire roads by the system organizations of the Agency in order to prevent fires that may occur in forests by forestry enterprises during the past period of 20243 , 880 km of fire protection lines were built, 610 km of existing intermediate areas, 1000 km of roads and 780 km of fire protection lines were repaired. Currently, the implementation of such activities is being continued.

Also, more than 2,500 explanatory and warning works against forest protection and forest fire were carried out by the system organizations.

About 1,500 new warning banners have been placed for the residents and visitors living near the forest areas on the correct use of the forest and the prevention of forest fires, and a total of more than 278,000 liters of water reserves have been placed in the areas. installed.

Until now, the primary means and equipment necessary for forest fire prevention and elimination have been prepared in system organizations.

In particular, more than 290 new fire protection corners were installed and 190 were repaired. A total of about 12,700 fire-fighting tools (motor pump, fire extinguisher, mop, shovel, hand saw, motor saw, axe, hoe, hoes, broom suitable for fire fighting) for fire fighting and elimination was prepared to achieve. Currently, the work of providing primary means is being continued.

Currently, the work on protection of the forestry territory from emergency situations, civil protection and fire safety is being continued.

Also, together with system organizations and regional departments and departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, measures to prevent and fight against forest fires were determined, and training and tactical exercises were conducted on the ground. widely covered in mass media and on the Agency's official website (,

Currently, measures to prevent and eliminate forest fires, training sessions, and promotion and propaganda work are being continued.

In addition, system organizations carried out pest and disease detection on 27,800 hectares, and measures to combat pests and diseases were carried out on 11,200 hectares. Including, biological control of pests was carried out on 10,150 hectares.

During the study, the diseases of anthracnose, powdery mildew, parsha, leaf swelling, fungus, rust, spotting, dipladiosis were detected and Vektra 10%, Bordeaux liquid, Bagira 20%, Siperfos 55%, Nurell-D 55% were used against them. . Central Asian silkworm, pistachio and poplar leaf-eater, spider mite, Colorado shieldworm, silkworm, Unequal silkworm, thrips diseases have been detected and Bi-58, Prestige plus, Indoxamectin, Agrofos D 55, Entoluchino 20%, Doublet Extra means and chemical preparations Enjeo, Bi 58, T 35, Karbafos 50%, Karate 5%, Patriot 12.5% ​​were processed using equipment and water sprayer (RTR MAX).