13/08/24, 10:24

Honey is the "juice of life"!

Honey is the king of healing benefits recommended by folk medicine. Doctors of the past did not call honey "longevity ointment" and "life juice" for nothing. In fact, it contains more than a hundred biological substances that are very necessary and useful for the human body. Pythagoras said that his long life was due to the constant consumption of honey. According to Ibn Sina, it is necessary to keep consuming honey to maintain the purity. It is an invaluable source of healing and strength, especially for the elderly. It is a good remedy for colds, fatigue, nervous tissue diseases. Honey is equally useful for children and the elderly, for people with impaired metabolism.

Extraction of natural pure honey from bees maintained by Uzun State Forestry of Surkhandarya region has started.

According to experts, it is recognized as an agricultural branch that cannot be replaced by any other means in the production of unique products such as honey, wax, bee milk, bee glue, bee venom, and most importantly, in increasing the productivity of agricultural crops. In recent years, a lot of attention has been paid to the rapid development of beekeeping and the increase in the production of quality honey products.

Surkhandarya Region, Uzun State Forestry officials say that it is important that all mechanisms of beekeeping development are covered based on the relevant decision of the head of state. A high income from beekeeping is expected in the future.