26/08/24, 14:12

Seversov's sheep, which came to residential areas in Bekhmal, were released into the wild

On August 25, 2024, Seversov's sheep - Kyzylkum sheep came to densely populated areas near the Bakhmal forestry area. One of the representatives of the population caught the arkar and handed it over to the inspectors of Bakhmal forestry.

The general condition of the endangered animal included in the "Red Book" was examined by a veterinarian. The animal, which was found to be healthy in all respects, was handed over to the employees of "FALCON SOLUTCONS" LLC belonging to the Nurota State Nature Reserve.

For information, Seversov sheep or Kyzylkum arkari are found in the Pamir-Oloy mountains - Nurota, Oktog, Molguzar, Turkistan, Zarafshan, Pistalitog, Tomditog, Bokantog ridges. By the middle of the 20th century, the number of heads of this species decreased sharply, and it was in danger of complete extinction in some distribution regions. As a result of timely measures, this species was preserved in Nurota State Reserve. Today, 80 percent of the species' population is found in the territory of the Nurota Nature Reserve.