11/05/23, 09:22

Bobotog, consisting of unique landscapes!

Forests are a group of woody plants that interact with each other and the conditions of growth and form a geographical landscape element.

According to experts, forests are the lungs of the planet Earth, and it is impossible to imagine life without them.

Forest massifs occupy an area of about 38 million square kilometers - about a third of the land. Almost half of the plants and animals on the planet grow and live there.

The nature of Uzbekistan includes 4 seasons. It is a source of admiration for many people with its diverse nature and unique scenery.

The "Bobotog" mountain ranges in the Surkhandarya region are located on the border of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, between the rivers Surkhandarya and Kofarnikhan. It is about 125 kilometers long and 30-40 kilometers wide. More than 36 thousand 564 hectares of forestry occupying an area of more than 65 thousand 732 hectares are made up of pistachios. At the height of 800-900 meters above the sea level of forestry, there are fruit trees and decorative trees such as almonds, zirk, almonds and pistachios. Archazolari can be found on even higher hills. A medicinal carpet plant grows. Togoldi consists of wide pastures.

Due to the increasing demand for pistachio fruit and coconut juice in the world year by year, the project of establishing a plantation of pistachio and coconut medicinal plants on an area of 10,000 hectares is being implemented in the "Bobotog" state forest farm in Surkhandarya region.

The pistachio fruit and the medicinal plant are strengthening their position in the world market. In particular, in folk medicine and modern medicine, pistachios are noted as a wonderful blessing for health. Especially, Bobotog pistachios are distinguished by their high calorie content and rich in vitamin

According to experts, the establishment of cultivation of medicinal plants between rows of cultivated pistachios will increase the efficiency of the project, will allow to get more profit from one hectare of land and to use land wisely.

"Bobotog" region attracts people with its unique scenery. The mountain range is mainly composed of Paleogene and Jurassic limestones, clay, siltstone, and sandstone. The eastern slope is steep and narrow, the mountain plains are located on the terraces of the Kofarnikhan river. The western slope is flat and wide, the main part consists of low mountains. The slopes of Bobotog are divided by many dry streams. The climate is dry and sharply continental. The average annual air temperature is 16 degrees in the foothills and 8-10 degrees in average heights. Annual rainfall is from 170 millimeters to 350-400 millimeters. On the slopes of the mountain there are springs, streams that overflow in winter and spring and dry up in summer.

Irrigated agriculture is well developed in the Kofarnikhan valley of Bobotog. There is a lot of landscape that needs special protection in these places.

Dilrabo Boboyeva, information service of the Forestry Agency