03/06/24, 15:21

Come to our village!

Chodak, whose history dates back to nearly 4,500 years, has attracted thousands of tourists since ancient times with its unique nature, rugged mountains and snow-covered valleys. In recent years, extensive work has been carried out to increase the tourism potential of the village.

Adviser to the director of the Forestry Agency on issues of improving the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work, ensuring compliance with laws on the state language, Yu. Oripova visited the specialized state forestry department of Pop, Namangan region. He got to know the women working there. He also observed the activities of women and girls from Chodak, located in Pop district of Namangan region.

Yu. Oripova examined the opportunities created for women and studied their conditions during the dialogue with women. An entrepreneur in terms of ensuring employment of the population and expanding opportunities for earning income, increasing the share of women in the development of handicrafts, supporting the implementation of women's business projects on drying and packing agricultural products, creating new jobs through the establishment of guest houses. and talked to local residents.

In the course of the interview, attention was paid to the work being done to ensure the employment of women by attaching women to artisans based on the "mentor-apprentice" system.

It should be noted that the village of Chodak in the Pop district of Namangan is one of the most beautiful and beautiful places in the region, such as Nanay, Gova, and Parda Tursun. During the summer months, the visitors do not leave this place. That is why many people have heard and know about this area. Each neighborhood in Chodak has its own charm. Faizli, saranjom-sarishta. More than 30 thousand citizens live in Chodak.

- The climate of Chodak is moderate, the cool air is 12-15 degrees different from the low plains, says Yu. Oripova. Relevant laws were adopted in order to fully and effectively use the existing labor resources of the village of "Chodak" of the Pop district, to develop the engineering-communication, production infrastructure, the service sector, and to increase the employment and income of the population. Today, measures are being taken to ensure the employment of the population and improve their living conditions. Chodak changed after the modern automobile and railway passed through the Kamchik Pass to the Fergana Valley. The village has become a real tourist destination. New hotels, recreation centers, high-rise buildings, an industrial zone, a sports complex, and preschool educational institutions were built. Under the motto "Every family is an entrepreneur", people rolled up their sleeves and started working. It is not for nothing that the events "Fayzli Khanadon" and "Child Education in the Family" are organized as part of promotional activities aimed at increasing the entrepreneurial opportunities of women and ensuring their employment among the population.

It should be mentioned that 31% of the contracts for providing employment to the population through the long-term lease system in the Pop specialized state forestry industry of Namangan region correspond to the share of women.

At the meeting organized with the participation of the members of the working group and the population led by Yulduz Oripova, opinions were raised about increasing the business opportunities of women and ensuring their employment.