04/05/23, 09:18

Activities of Burchmulla State Forestry in Bostonliq district

It is known that until 2001, Burchmulla forestry was under the control of the General Directorate of the Forestry Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and from 2001, under the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 22, 2001 Based on the decision No. 262, the Ugom-Chotkal DMTB Department of the Tashkent Regional Government was established and included.

It should be noted that the main type of activity of the Burchmulla State Forestry is determined based on the relevant legislation.

According to him, the Burchmulla State Forestry is responsible for establishing new forests against soil erosion, protecting forests, developing forestry on the lands of the forest fund, accounting for the forest fund, natural and cultural keeping forest accounts, improving the condition of forests. It carries out such works as rational use of them, increasing the productivity of forests, increasing wood reserves, carrying out felling works in forests in the prescribed manner, improving the sanitary condition of forests, and improving the reclamation condition of forest lands. Also, based on the plan, cultural forests will be established, and existing forests will be protected from arbitrary cutting, fires, and pests.

Currently, the total land area of Burchmulla State Forestry is 355580.36 hectares and consists of 13 divisions.

To date, Burchmulla State Forestry has planted 16 Crimean pine trees, 10 a clone seedling was planted. 650 m long roads leading to the area were newly built in order to provide comfort and safety for tourists visiting the territory of the "Urungoch" state hydrological natural monument. In compliance with fire safety requirements, the surroundings of the lake were cleared of waste and flammable materials.

In this area, in the area of afforestation and restoration of the farm, it is planned to carry out forest planting works on 191 hectares in the mountainous areas of the farm during the spring planting period of this year, and in practice, a total of 268.55 afforestation was carried out on the hectare area. In particular, 264.05 hectares of almond seeds and 4.5 hectares of walnut seedlings were planted.

Planting works were carried out among departments and employees in order to improve the ecological environment and ensure their active participation in the implementation of the nationwide project "Green Space" along with planting of forests and planting of seedlings.

Maintenance, cutting, loosening and watering of forest crops on the area of 152.6 hectares planted by forestry in the past years, replenishment of forest crops on the area of 63 hectares, on the area of 67.85 hectares, Land preparation for the current year will be carried out. Repair works of irrigation networks were carried out on the area of 44 hectares.

In the field of beekeeping, there are 1,750 bee families in the farm. It is planned to take out to the places on favorable warm days of the weather. As of April 1, 2023, the total number of horses in the farm is 351, of which 76 are mares. A number of works were carried out on the development of animal husbandry. As of 01.04.2023, 332 lambs were taken from 381 ewes on the farm. As of April 1, 2023, the number of small horned cattle on the farm is 1122, of which 381 are e

Dilrabo Boboyeva, information service of the Forestry Agency