23/05/23, 09:53

ATTITUDE on the need to have appropriate documents for seasonal grazing of livestock as forest users

Studies were conducted on the material spread on social networks ( regarding the problem of sheep in the Bostanliq region.

It is known that on May 15 of this year, some citizens loaded sheep into a motor vehicle and were stopped by the YHHB officials of the Tashkent region in the Bostanliq district of Bostonliq area of the Tashkent-Chorvoq highway.

In connection with this situation, the Bostonliq district administration, the district IIB, the district DXX department, the district veterinary department and the leadership of the Ugom-Chotkal state national nature park were informed about who owns the sheep loaded on the vehicle and where they are being taken. When the head of the above-mentioned agencies and the inspectors of the nature park reached the place and conducted an investigation, it was determined that the sheep loaded on the vehicle of this citizen belonged to T. R., a citizen living in Yakkatut MFY., Bostonliq district, Tashkent region.

It is noted that citizen T.R. 1200 (one thousand and two hundred) sheep owned by him due to the severe winter season and heavy snowfall in the highlands of Yakkatut MFY. it became known that the citizen went to the city of Tashkent, drove personal vehicles to the place of residence, hired drivers for the transportation of sheep on the basis of payment, and brought sheep from the above-mentioned area to the vehicles of drivers living in different regions .

It was explained to the citizen that the order of the governor of the Tashkent region for seasonal grazing of livestock was not issued today, and 8 vehicles and 1,200 sheep loaded on them were taken out of the territory of Bostanliq district under the supervision of the employees of the YHHB of the Tashkent region.