16/09/24, 15:26

Proper care of livestock is necessary

Proper feeding of livestock is important in increasing their growth, development and productivity. Proper feeding of cattle is called feeding with valuable and nutritious feed, according to its chemical composition. Physiologically full value means the physiological state of cattle (threat, milking period, weaning, feeding based on a certain purpose, etc.) and the amount of feed, taking into account their age, weight, sex, productivity level It is understood to fully satisfy the needs. If cattle are fed improperly with low-quality feed, their productivity will decrease, their health will deteriorate, and young cattle will stop growing and developing.

Complete valuable feed increases livestock productivity, accelerates growth and development, ensures fertility, i.e. healthy and large offspring.

Navoi Region, Nurota State Forestry is gathering rough hay and hay for cattle to get them out of the autumn-winter season without loss. Necessary measures have been taken to properly preserve the harvested hay even during the rainy season.