25/07/24, 16:17

Trees are incredible plants!

Trees and plants are very important to all of us. The importance of trees is that without these wonderful plants, the planet would become a desert.

Trees, like all plants that contain chlorophyll, carry out photosynthesis. If the leaves are dry or infested with pests, it is necessary not only to treat them from pests, but also to prevent dust from accumulating on the surface of the leaf and staying there for a long time. Otherwise, photosynthesis will not take place in them and oxygen will not be released.

How much air do we breathe in a day?

We inhale and exhale 5-6 liters of air per minute, from 7200 to 8600 in 24 hours. Through this process, we take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. The exact opposite of photosynthesis. It can be said that plants and people help each other to live.

According to research, 22 trees are needed to meet the oxygen needs of one person in one day. Deforestation can expose us to short-term or long-term risks. If we do nothing, the Earth will be left without lungs.

Accumulation of gases in the atmosphere is causing the planet's climate to change faster than ever. Humanity has played a major role in polluting the environment since the Industrial Revolution.

Trees absorb almost 22 kg of carbon dioxide every year. Each tree absorbs about 1000 kg of carbon dioxide during its life. One tree gives off 120 kilograms of oxygen in a year. Prevents soil erosion. Trees retain soil moisture and prevent erosion. They do this because of their roots. They can be planted in places where erosion is a serious threat, on slopes or in open areas, as well as along the entire perimeter of the area.

Reduces noise pollution. Trees absorb the noise generated by the movement of vehicles. For this reason, tree groves are established near roads or airports.

They protect us from the sun. There are many trees that give us good shade in summer, where we can go for a walk with our family or enjoy the scenery. Many animals and insects live in them. During our daily activities, it is difficult not to see birds resting on tree branches. These plants are home to many living things and without trees it would be very difficult for them to survive. The above information shows how important trees are in our lives, and increasing their number is necessary not only for humans, but also for other living creatures. Trees are incredible plants that can be very beneficial to us if they are treated with respect. In the framework of the "Green Space" national movement, we should all work together not only for ourselves, but also for the future generation of our children...