25/04/24, 07:21

What do you know about the activities of the scientific production center for cultivation and processing of medicinal plants?

As it is known, based on the relevant decision of the head of state on November 26, 2020, the Scientific Production Center for the Cultivation and Processing of Medicinal Plants was established under the State Forestry Committee on the basis of the Center for the Cultivation and Processing of Medicinal Plants and tasks and functions are defined.

In particular, the cultivation and processing of medicinal plants on a scientific basis, the formation of a single strategy for their rational use, the study of areas of medicinal plants growing wild in the territory of the republic and the identification of reserves, the preservation of the gene pool of existing bioresources, the organization of mother plantations, seeds to carry out scientific and practical research related to the cultivation and preparation, reproduction, establishment of collective nurseries and processing of their raw materials, as well as cultural cultivation of medicinal plants, taking into account specific soil and climate conditions. The main tasks of the Center are to develop clear scientifically based proposals for putting

In recent years, the implementation of a number of decisions of the President and Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan aimed at increasing the production of medicinal plants in our country and improving the demand of the population and pharmaceutical enterprises for medicinal plant raw materials and increasing the volume of exportable medicinal plant raw materials Based on the tasks assigned to the Center, several works were carried out in the field.

In 2023, plantations were established on an area of 5,280 hectares, the production volume of raw materials reached 9,062 tons, and the cultivated species reached 65, or the production volume of raw materials increased by 2.2 times.

During the past 2021-2022, 3 of the 4 laboratories planned to be established within the Center, i.e., the Laboratory of Introduction and Agrotechnics of Medicinal Plants, the Laboratory of Selection and Breeding of Medicinal Plants, and the Technology of Processing Raw Materials of Medicinal Plants laboratories are fully operational. A total of 374.5 million soums were spent within the budget funds for the current repair and equipment of the buildings where these laboratories are located. It is planned to launch the laboratory of phytochemistry and standardization of medicinal plants by the end of this year.

It should be noted that a collection nursery of 50 types of rare medicinal and edible plants was established at the Piskent scientific experimental site within the Center. In cooperation with the Scientific-Research Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, a genebank for storing seeds of 100 types of medicinal and food plants was established at the base of the institute.