25/03/23, 10:00


Based on the statement No. 176 of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 6, 2021 "On construction and improvement works in Zomin district", study of disease and damage of trees and shrubs in mountainous areas of Zomin district, diseases and pests 3 billion soums have been allocated for countermeasures.

The expedition group consisting of scientists and specialists formed on the basis of the statement, on October 18-27, 2021, sanitary, entomological and phytopathological conditions of all types of ornamental and forest fruit trees and shrubs in the mountainous regions of Zomin district, as well as the natural conditions of plants, botanical and physiological conducted observations on monitoring, natural reproduction processes, disease cases.

As a result of monitoring, it was found that the phytosanitary condition of spruce forests is at an unsatisfactory level and the following types of diseases and pests are widespread. Including

Juniper black spot disease

Pathogen: Seynesiella juniperi (Desm.) G. Arnaud

Symptoms of the disease: this disease Juniperus seravschanicaKom. forms black spots on the conifers and young branches. The disease causes damage to the conifers and young branches of the plant.

Rust disease of Juniper (Juniperus Kitam.).

Pathogen: Gymnosporangium fusisporium Ed.Fisch

Symptoms of the disease: this rust disease is found in almost all spruce species in the territory of Zomin district. Rust mainly affects spruce branches. The affected part of the horn thickens, forms nodules and cracks. As a result, after a certain time, the infected spruce branch will completely dry up.

Juniper rot disease

Pathogens: Rigidoporus juniperinus Gafforov, L.W. Zhou, E. Langer sp. nov., Coniferiporia uzbekistanensisL.W. Zhou, Xue W. Wang & Gafforov, sp. nov., Phellinus punctatus (Fr.) Pil.Atl.Polyp.

Symptoms of the disease: these fungi Zarafshan juniper - Juniperus seravschanica Com. grows and develops on the surface of the body and roots close to the surface of the earth and causes internal rotting in them. As a result, perennial trees dry up.

Diplodiosis disease of juniper

Pathogens: Diplodia juniperi Westend.

Symptoms of the disease: affects the conifers and young branches of the spruce.

Among the common pests on the slopes of Zomin mountain are the Central Asian mealybug (Pseudococcus vovae Nass), which is currently causing great damage to spruce plants, and among the body pests of older spruce trees are the spruce golden beetle (Anthaia conradti Sem) and spruce lubho' ri (Phloeosinus turcestanicus Sem) was found to be infected.

Black spot (Seynesiella juniperi Desm.), rust (Gymnosporangium fusisporium Ed.Fisch), rot (Rigipodorus juniperinus Gafforov, L.W.Zhou, E. Langer sp.), diplodiosis ( Environmentally safe "Microzym" of microbiological origin for plant root system and development against diseases Diplodia juniperi Westend) from a series of biostimulants, antibiotic and enzymatically active compounds, antibiotic active actinomycetes "Streptoin" against phytopathogens, a complex against pest and pathogenic fungi biopreparation "Fitoshit", enzymatically active "Osterzym", "Asperterzym" and preparations Fungiosporin BF 1500 YEA/mg 3.0 l/ha, Sporagin 4.0-6.0 l/ha, Fitolavin 1.0-2.0 l Application of norms of /ga, as well as fungicides Fundazol 50% n.kuk. It is recommended to use 1.0-2.0 kg/ha, Topsin-M 70% at the rate of 1.0 kg/ha.

Against sucking pests, the Central Asian mealybug (Pseudococcus vovae Nass), and against body pests, the spruce golden beetle (Anthaia conradti Sem) and spruce beetles (Phloeosinus turcestanicus Sem) Zomin health center, reservoir, children's playgrounds of Zomin district from microbiological preparations "Fitoshit", Bioslip BV em.k., 2.0-3.0 l/ha, Bioslip BV n.kuk. 2.0-3.0 kg/ha, Prestige and Prestige plus 4-6 l/ha, as well as in the areas of mountains and mountain slopes far from the above areas, chemical preparations Ovipron 2000, 80% em.c. 10-15 l/ha, Imtirin 20% 0.5 l/ha, Endjeo 24.7% 0.5-0.7 l/ha consumption 2-3 times during the season on an area of 2100 hectares with microbiological preparations for pests and diseases and it is recommended to treat with chemical preparations 2 times.

Taking this into account, the State Committee of Forestry has selected the best proposals aimed at combating harmful organisms spread in all types of ornamental and forest fruit trees and shrubs in the mountainous regions of Zomin district and improving their sanitary conditions. announces. (Proposal development