25/09/23, 08:58

For environmentalists, there are pressing issues that need to be addressed in the future!

Recently, climate change, high temperature, continuous dry and hot days in summer months and decrease of humidity in the air have led to an increase of dust storms and dusty days in the region from year to year.

In order to prevent the rise of dust storms and protect the atmospheric air, environmentalists pay attention to the fact that even when new land is developed in semi-desert areas, thick hedgerows, wind-reducing and wind-resistant trees are planted around them, and dust storms are surrounded. focus is required.

On the basis of the "Green Space" national project, the activities of planting saplings in each region were well underway. By this, it is possible to prevent the lifting of particles on the ground in the wind and to reduce the risk of dust storms. Based on the current situation and the available opportunity, the establishment of tree plantations is the optimal option for solving this problem. However, taking into account the expectations of climate change and drought, the issue of irrigation will be a major problem for local authorities in the future.

Despite the implemented measures, the issue of climate change remains relevant for the Republic of Uzbekistan, because climate change is significant every year, and climate-related hazards - heat and cold waves, also their duration is increasing. All these often directly affect socio-economic infrastructure, environment, population's well-being and health as a result of crop loss, drought and water shortage, soil erosion, dust storms.

Adaptation to climate change should become a general and necessary component of planning at all levels of state administration and all sectors of the republic's economy. National adaptation planning helps to assess the vulnerability of economic sectors to the effects of climate change, to take into account the risks associated with climate change, and to solve the problems of financing adaptation measures.

According to the UN Environment Program, investing 2% of the world's GDP in greening the economy will ensure current and future long-term growth rates from 2011 to 2050, climate change, water scarcity avoid serious risks associated with the increase and loss of ecosystem services.

The future practical tasks of ecologists should be focused on revising anthropogenic biocenoses and increasing the stability of the external environment in order to more fully satisfy human needs. Such a need has been shown to mankind in the large international program called "Man and the Biosphere", which clearly guides the research of the environment that surrounds man.

Dilrabo Boboyeva, information service of the Forestry Agency.