30/05/24, 17:19

What are the methods and approaches to achieve gender equality?

Lessons on the impact of environmental problems (including problems of land degradation) on women at 12 o'clock in Chimyon village, Bostonliq district, Tashkent region was established.

The purpose of the special training course organized on the topic "Methods and approaches to achieve gender equality" is to increase the knowledge of the participants regarding the application of the main principles, methods and tools of the comprehensive gender approach in the fields of ecology and agriculture, as well as during their professional activities, and to gain practical experience. consists of forming skills.

Leaders and employees of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry Agency, and local government bodies participated in the training.

During the lessons, experts will help participants to further expand their understanding of the comprehensive gender approach and gender equality, to form their skills in overcoming gender stereotypes, to introduce participants to international requirements and national legal frameworks for ensuring gender equality, and to help participants in their professional activities. information was provided on the formation of skills to use the principles and tools of the gender approach. To teach the methods of collecting and analyzing gender statistics in the fields of ecology and agriculture and to increase the efficiency of ensuring gender equality in offices and organizations received.

As a result of the training, the participants will get information about the concept of gender equality, gender stereotypes, and will increase their knowledge about their rights and opportunities. They had an idea about the connection between their professional activities, in particular, the fields of ecology, agriculture and forestry, and a comprehensive gender approach. In the process of developing regulatory and legal documents independently within the scope of one's own field, to conduct a gender-legal examination, to take into account the gender aspects of all decisions made within the scope of one's field of activity, and to have the qualification to conduct a gender audit. ldi

The stages of the training course consisted of preparing training materials, approving the training materials during the training, and evaluating the prepared training and methodical materials in the process of training and revision, taking into account the opinions of the participants.

During the lessons, the participants got to know the comprehensive gender approach.