17/04/24, 10:37

All work is well-deserved!

Hard work should be rewarded.

Norbota, forester of Jom-jom circuit of "Karaqishloq" forest department, who worked long and efficiently at the event organized in Bakhmal state forestry of Jizzakh region, and became an example to the employees with his dedication. Kulmatov was observed on retirement.

The managers of the field recognized the hard work of the selfless employee for many years.

Most of Norbota Kulmatov's life was spent in forestry. He contributed to the development of forestry for 37 years, from 1987 to today.

In our people, there is a proverb that says, "A garden is better than the good." Norbota Kulmatov made a great contribution to the development and expansion of forestry. During the event, warm thoughts were expressed in honor of the hardworking employee. Colleagues wished the teacher a long, healthy and meaningful life in the future.

- N. Kulmatov says that protecting mother nature is a sacred duty. - It takes years to become a tall tree". I also express my gratitude to the officials.

At the end of the event, souvenirs were presented to N. Kulmatov by the organization.

D Bobayeva