16/05/23, 11:14

As long as there is a person, the area where he lives must become a garden!

Allergy is a reaction of the human body to iodine particles from the external environment, i.e. allergens. Plant pollen is the main factor in the origin of allergic diseases. It is especially strong in spring, summer and autumn. According to world statistics, 32-50 percent of people get allergic in one year. According to the statistics of Uzbekistan, this indicator corresponds to 32.7%.

Factors such as fungal diseases, genetic predisposition, observation of allergies or long-term use of the drug can cause an allergic reaction. There is also a possibility that drugs taken for a long time in chronic diseases accumulate in the body and cause various allergic conditions. For this reason, it is emphasized that in the treatment of such diseases, drugs should be taken with a break. If you are allergic to a drug, do not rush to treat yourself with another drug. In such situations, it is advisable to carry out the necessary treatment after cleansing the body with anti-inflammatory drugs.

In general, one of the main causes of these diseases, which are common in people and are increasing more and more, is the damage caused to the world of greenery by dust and pollen rising in the atmosphere.

True, it is true that most trees cause allergic diseases. If the allergy is divided into three periods, the initial period is from the beginning of March to the middle of May, that is, when the trees bloom. The second period lasts from May to the end of July, beginning of August. At this time, field grasses bloom. And finally, the third period is associated with the flowering of conifers, wormwood, and lasts from August to November.

But, in any case, a clear sky, fresh air and lush greenery protect humanity from various diseases. After all, the atmosphere is the air shell of the earth, and it is one of the main resources that ensure the existence of life in the biosphere. The atmosphere protects all living things from harmful cosmic rays and keeps the heat on the planet's surface. Keeping nature clean, protecting greenery, breathing fresh air is the most unique wealth.

Protecting nature and keeping the environment clean is a matter of life and death for mankind, an urgent obligation to the future generation. The green areas being established throughout our country, and the locations being improved, are a practical expression of noble initiatives towards this goal. As long as there is a person, the area where he lives must become a garden. Today there are all opportunities to do this.

Dilrabo Boboyeva, information service of the Forestry Agency