02/05/23, 17:51

Drought and desertification cause social and economic damage to humanity and pose a threat to the environment on a global scale.

It is known that drought is a long-term weather that occurs in conditions where evaporation exceeds precipitation, and in such conditions, water reserves in the soil are quickly used up. Such situations have a negative impact on the development and productivity of crops and pasture plants

Solving the problems of drought and desertification on land areas requires a mutually agreed upon solution.

In our country, measures are being taken to prevent desertification, restore forests, and increase surrounding forests. It is worth noting that at a time when water resources are decreasing in the republic, the demand for the design and implementation of water-saving technologies for the purpose of preventing drought and organizing green areas within the framework of the "Green Space" program and increasing the productivity of cotton and cotton crops is increasing year by year. is going

Scientists say that in the next 25-30 years, the climate will become hotter and weather conditions will worsen. Many vulnerable habitats are already disappearing. If greenhouse gas emissions continue to spread uncontrollably into the atmosphere, scientists fear that this will have serious long-term consequences. These include disruption of the world order, large-scale migration, acceleration of the sixth mass extinction of plants and animals in the history of the earth, melting glaciers, rising sea levels and the destruction of most of the world's coastal cities. consequences such as flooding.

It should be noted that according to the relevant legislation, the fulfillment of Uzbekistan's international obligations to fight against desertification and drought, cooperation with international and regional organizations to fight against desertification and drought, in the republic coordinating the work of organizations involved in the development and implementation of programs and projects to fight against desertification and drought, and in countries experiencing severe drought and (or) desertification, especially in Africa tasks such as implementation of the task of the national competent body of Uzbekistan in fulfilling the requirements of the UN Convention on the fight against The implementation of these tasks will serve to reduce the risk of social and economic damage caused by drought and desertification to humanity and environmental threats on a global scale.

Dilrabo Boboyeva, information service of the Forestry Agency