12/09/23, 08:22

“When your instrument of labor is the word, your labors are small”

It is required to carry out timely and high-quality necessary agrotechnical measures for growing agricultural products, satisfying the demand for agricultural machinery in the agricultural sector, improving the incentive system for providing agricultural enterprises with modern and resource-intensive equipment to replace morally and physically outdated ones.

The Ishtikhan State Forestry Enterprise is carrying out large-scale work on radical reform of the industry, technical and technological modernization, and the introduction of science and innovation.

In particular, 82.1 Belarusian tractors were brought from the local budget of the Ishtikhan State Forestry Enterprise.

It is not for nothing that they say: “When the instrument of Your labor is the word, your labors are small.”

For information, it should be noted that from April 1, 2023, a unified procedure for state support for the acquisition of agricultural machinery produced in Uzbekistan has been introduced. Subsidies provided for by presidential decree apply to all domestic enterprises producing agricultural machinery.

According to the relevant list, all types of agricultural machinery and units, as well as their components and spare parts, are exempt from customs duties (except for value added tax and customs clearance fees) until January 1, 2025, and are exempt from disposal. It is allowed to pay VAT late up to 270 days from the date of its placement under the customs regime of free circulation (import), leasing agricultural machinery and equipment to self-employed persons and individual entrepreneurs. In 2023-2024, 2.6 trillion soums will be allocated to finance the purchase of agricultural machinery.