13/03/24, 14:40

"Heaven is under the feet of mothers"

A woman's grace and tenderness, loyalty and loyalty, intelligence and self-sacrifice have been the basis for the longevity and eternity of life on earth for centuries. That is why the world's greatest works of art, songs and odes, architectural monuments are dedicated to the honor of women.

Honoring women, who are the pillars of family and society, the pride and beauty of our lives, showing respect and honor to them has always been and will be a great value for our people. Because with you, our life is beautiful and meaningful, our homes are prosperous and bright.

A festive event was organized in the Forestry Agency on the occasion of Women's Day. As it was noted at the event, the wise words of Alisher Navoi "Heaven is under the feet of mothers" are remembered by many.

Every woman is a woman, no matter in which field or profession she works, femininity should be felt on her face, says the Forestry Agency. Yulduz Oripova, adviser on the issues of The extent to which any society and state is philanthropic and just is determined by its attitude and care towards women. It is precisely because of the opportunities given to women that women are becoming active and proactive participants of democratic processes and popular reforms in our country.

During the event, women working in the industry were awarded with valuable gifts. Warm wishes were expressed to them.