25/09/23, 12:18

The works carried out in Forestry this year

A number of works are being carried out by forestry enterprises in terms of expansion of the forest area, restoration, protection of forests, development of additional industries.

In particular, 3.5 thousand hectares of unused land of the forest fund were developed and put into use.

A total of 200,000 hectares by forestry companies, of which 128,000 hectares in Moynaq district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, 40,000 hectares in Bukhara region, 17,000 hectares in Navoi region, 10,000 hectares in Khorezm region and 5,000 in other areas of the forest fund. "green covers" - protective forest groves were established and rehabilitated on the hectare area.

On the outskirts of irrigated agricultural land, 2,000 hectares of tree plantations were established. 980 tons of seeds of trees and shrubs were collected for forest establishment, establishment of nurseries and nurseries, and greening activities.

Nursery and nurseries were established on 650 hectares of landscape, fruit tree and shrub species suitable for soil and climate conditions. 70 species of trees and shrubs suitable for climatic conditions are cultivated in forestry farms, including 8 species of conifers, 25 species of fast-growing and deciduous species, 15 species of fruit trees, 4 species of nut-bearing trees, There are 6 types of plants, 13 types of ornamental shrubs.

21.8 mln. saplings and cuttings of ornamental and fruit trees and shrubs suitable for climatic conditions were delivered.

As part of the "Green Space" nationwide project, it is planned to establish "green parks" on a total area of 347 hectares.

- To date, local councils have taken appropriate decisions on allocating land for the establishment of a total of 134 "green parks".

Contracts were signed with the "Yashilloiha" design institute for the development of project documents in order to organize "green parks" to be established in the regions based on the specified requirements.

Currently, "Yashilloiha" design institute has developed project-estimate documents for the establishment of "green parks" in Andijan, Jizzakh, Syrdaryo, districts and cities of Tashkent region, and urban planning expertise has been passed. Also, project-estimate documents developed for the establishment of "green parks" in the regions were presented for examination.

It was noted that "Green Parks" were established on 9.3 hectares of land in Fergana region by "Yashil hudud" district, and land preparation works were completed in Saykhunabad and Syrdaryo districts of Syrdarya region. Currently, land preparation works are starting in other regions. In addition, it is planned to plant 44,000 tree saplings in order to create a "green garden" on an area of 110 hectares in Zomin district of Jizzakh region. Project-estimate documents are currently being developed.

A total of 356 km of fire-fighting intermediate areas, 659 km of roads, 6426 km of protective lines and 16,508 m3 water reservoirs were newly built on the lands of the Forest Fund, 2367 km of intermediate areas, 3358 km of roads, 2592 km of fire defense lines, 339 km of ditches and 14,471 m3 water reservoirs were repaired. More than 2,800 explanatory and warning works against forest protection and forest fire were carried out, and about 1,500 new warning banners were placed to prevent forest fires.

In addition, diseases and pests were identified on 46,586 hectares, and biological control measures were carried out on a total of 21,066 hectares, of which 19,315 hectares.

At the same time, due to the rapid growth of the republic's population, the transfer of agricultural land to another category, and the aggravation of the effects of global climate change, per capita in the last 15 years the size of irrigated land areas decreased by 24 percent, and the average annual water supply level decreased from 3,048 cubic meters to 158.9 cubic meters.

In countries whose national income is almost the same as that of Uzbekistan, 4-5 percent of the state budget is allocated for agricultural needs, or it is more than 1 percent in developing countries and less than 1 percent in countries with high income.