17/03/23, 17:52

Planting is a good thing, though

As everyone knows, within the framework of the "Green Space" national project, planting activities are being carried out throughout the republic.

Planting saplings is the duty of every person, and at the same time, it is a good and auspicious work.

However, in some places, planting of seedlings is not carried out based on the recommendations of field scientists. That is, the quality of seedlings, digging, deep digging and so on are not being paid attention to.

For example: In the following pictures, there are cases where the root of the seedling is cut off (there is almost no sapling), the plant is not protected before planting, the root of conifers is completely open, the pits are not dug (depending on the size of the root of the seedling or the soil).

Why plant seedlings that won't grow tomorrow? Why and for whom are we planting seedlings?

Based on this situation, we will once again mention the recommendations of scientists:

-Choosing a suitable place for planting trees, carrying out land preparation works;

taking into account the topography, natural climate and soil conditions of the place:

Land leveling, softening and preparation for planting:

Digging pits (trenches) with a diameter of 0.7m or 0.8x0.5m depending on the size of the seedling or the root size for planting seedlings;

Prepare a mixture of local fertilizer and fertile soil in each dug pit (trenches);

Determining the planting scheme of tree seedlings;

Selection of tree seedlings based on the soil and natural-climatic conditions of the regions;

Digging the planted seedlings, especially conifers, with soil (com), ensuring that the arrow roots are not damaged.

Placement of tree seedlings depending on the type;

Planting selected seedlings in prepared pits (trenches) based on agrotechnical rules (biohumus, local fertilizer, water).