25/04/24, 07:19

Corruption destroys the moral pillars of society and democracy

Corruption is one of the global problems that must be solved today. This vice seriously harms the political and economic development of any country and society, and leads to the violation of human rights and freedoms. Therefore, the fight against it has gained international importance and is one of the important issues of world politics.

In particular, the fight against corruption is one of the urgent problems in our republic. In order to establish a system of successful fight against corruption, it will be necessary to establish large-scale international cooperation and study the advanced experience of foreign countries, and apply it to national legislation and practice with a critical approach.

Officials say that corruption, including greed, undermines the moral pillars of society and democracy, and poses a huge threat to the economic, social and political development of the country.

A number of positive and practical works are being carried out in the direction of combating corruption in the central office of the Forestry Agency and in system organizations. In particular, in accordance with the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 12, 2022 "On measures to introduce a system for rating the effectiveness of anti-corruption efforts" PQ-81, the central apparatus of the Forestry Agency and the information on the anti-corruption activities of the system organizations in 2023 was entered into the special electronic platform of the Anti-Corruption Agency. According to the decision, the information entered into the platform was positively evaluated by the Agency and Experts, and the effectiveness of the Forestry Agency in fighting corruption was 81 points out of 100 and was included in the "Good" category.

Also, in the minutes of the meeting of the National Anti-Corruption Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 14 on April 8, 2024, a plan of measures to popularize the positive experiences of state organizations in the fight against corruption, rated as "Good", was approved. In connection with this document, the plan of measures was approved in the Forestry Agency today, and work was organized to ensure its implementation in the system.