30/05/24, 17:49

Activities related to the project are ongoing

Huang Chao (General Manager), Zhu Wei (Marketing General Manager), Mi Minghau (Marketing Manager), Hu Wei (Technical Specialist) and Zhao Danyanlar (Technical Specialist) of China ELINC Company met with the Ministry of Ecology, Environment Protection and Climate Change and O' An event on joint research and implementation of projects was organized within the framework of the joint project on cooperation with the employees of the forestry agency.

It should be noted that there was a presentation on the projects implemented by the Chinese company ELINC and the introduction of digitization in the field of ecology and forestry of Uzbekistan and solutions to existing problems in the field.

At this event, the digitalization of the industry by the Chinese company ELINC, the perfect introduction of the cyber security system, continuous monitoring of fire safety, the use of artificial intelligence technologies, the transition of the industry to a fully digital system through the development of e-government, the continuous monitoring of the performance of the inspectors and A presentation on the use of high-tech alarm systems was held and opinions were exchanged.

Industry representatives provided necessary information on the topics.