01/05/23, 09:35

M.Shojalilov: We must not forget that the Earth and its ecosystem are the home of humanity

In the international forum organized in the capital dedicated to "World Earth Day" on the topic of "Combating land degradation in Central Asia: problems and solutions", the preservation and improvement of agricultural land productivity, combating degradation, erosion, salinization, waterlogging, the issues of prevention of desertification processes were discussed as problems that should be solved on a global scale.

Officials of the Forestry Agency under the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan M. Shojalilov, A. Zakhadullayev, Kh. Tolipov, A. Alimov participated in the international conference with their reports and presentations.

In order to draw people's attention to earth problems, since 1971, every year on April 22, various events and actions are held in all countries of the world, says M. Shojalilov, an employee of the Forestry Agency. He decided to celebrate it by announcing it as World Earth Day.

In the resolution adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations, it is determined that the Earth and its ecosystem are the home of humanity, and that we must carefully protect our planet. Because, in order to achieve a fair balance between the economic, social and ecological needs of the present and future generations, preserving the harmony of the mother earth is becoming an urgent problem in the 21st century.

In order to attract the attention of all mankind to the emerging global environmental problems, to reduce the negative effects on nature and to promote the rational use of land resources, April 22 is celebrated annually as the International Earth Day. It is not just an ordinary date, it is an opportunity to analyze the environment we live in today, first of all, our relationship with the earth, the joint action of different countries in solving the problems that have arisen, and the development and implementation of measures for the protection of the earth. it is necessary to think deeply about creation.

Uzbekistan has ratified UN conventions on environmental protection and ensuring ecological stability and other international documents and is fulfilling all its obligations. In the strategy of reforms carried out in all aspects of economic and social spheres in our country, rational use and protection of natural resources, including forest fund lands, is one of the urgent issues.