06/05/23, 09:09


Since some species of plants and animals are historically unrepeatable and genetically unique in nature, their preservation is an urgent task today!

On April 28 of this year, Surkhondarya's appeal was published on the EFFECT.UZ channel of social networks under the title: "The Uzun people are waiting for help from the President."

According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 4, 2022 "On additional measures related to the establishment of protected natural areas on the lands of the Forest Fund", the Bobotog State Forestry Bobotog national nature park was established in the form of a state nature protection institution on the lands of the forest fund of Jaligi.

This issue was studied by experts of the Forestry Agency under the Ministry of Natural Resources, meeting with the authors of the petition (A.T. and others). During the study, the opinions of the authors of the appeal were heard. The authors of the petition expressed the opinion that the territory of the national nature park can be moved to another place due to the fact that local residents are blocking the passage to the pastures where cattle are grazed and the government decision does not indicate the place to be allocated to the national nature park.

The authors of the petition were told that the land selected for the national nature park is covered with natural trees (fir trees), plants and wild animals. (Even the working group investigating the issue encountered several cases of rabbits crossing in front of a moving car).

It is known that in order to ensure the implementation of the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 4, 2022 "On additional measures related to the establishment of protected natural areas on the lands of the Forest Fund", Surkhandarya According to the decision of the governor of the region dated August 4, 2022 "On the allocation of land from the forest fund lands in Sariosia and Uzun districts for the establishment of national nature parks", the Bobotog state forest park was transferred to the Bobotog National Nature Park. It was explained that 12,064 hectares of land area from the Chagam forest department of Jaligi was separated from the land areas with quarter numbers and videl (contour) numbers clearly indicated.

According to forestry experts, there is a lot of flora and fauna in this area. There are flora and fauna included in the "Red Book" of Uzbekistan, endangered species of flora and fauna of Uzbekistan.

In particular, the flora of this area is the Cykurmoy kokbosh, Bobotog kokboshi, Tik karrak, Okish karrak, Zebo marmarak, Kyrylian blue kamaron, Tubergen tulip, Korolkov tulip, Kholmon in the territory of Bobotog National Nature Park. Plant species such as sorghum, Rozanov's cowberry, Tajik cow's milkweed, False desert astragali, Bukhara astragali, Purple-flowered lilac, Bukhara saffron are included in the Red Book.

Mammals from the animal world include Bukhara sheep, Leopard, Morkhor, Sirtlon, Wide-eared bat, Birds: Mallabash falcon, Itolgi, Taskara, Zorchi (bald zorchi ), Boltayutar. Reptiles and reptiles: Kapcha snake, Hind boiga (snake), Gray echkemar, Central Asian desert tortoise and wild animal species included in the Red Book in the Bobotog National Nature Park are also included in the Red Book.

With the authors of the petition, the natural juniper trees on the land selected for the national park are not found in other parts of our country, they should be carefully preserved, that these natural juniper trees are the national wealth of the people, that they are natural landscapes that create a sense of pride in the local population, and that natural areas to be protected in the future, They talked about issues related to the further expansion of the territory of national natural parks.