12/05/23, 09:47

Experts gave their recommendations on planting trees based on established requirements, effective organization of work against diseases and pests

Trees. They absorb harmful carbon dioxide from the air and produce oxygen instead, which helps us breathe. They provide coolness in the heat, protect the environment from noise.

In recent years, in order to ensure public health, appropriate measures have been taken regarding greening of settlements, protection of trees and shrubs, and expansion of green spaces. Systematic work is being carried out on ecology and environment protection, tree planting, reduction of pollution of atmospheric air, water and land resources, preservation of biological diversity, processing and disposal of waste, processing of household waste.

On May 10 of this year, with the initiatives of the Forestry Agency under the Ministry of Natural Resources and the representatives of the "Zamin" international public fund, a practical seminar was organized in order to systematically and qualitatively organize planting of seedlings within the national project "Green Space". .

Foresters of Surkhandarya region, employees of improvement departments, employees of the quarantine service, and employees working in the fields of greening and beautification took part in the seminar. During the seminar, information was presented on the works being carried out within the framework of the national project "Green Space", and on the elimination of the shortcomings.

Also, industry experts shared their recommendations on organizing the planting of tree and shrub seedlings based on the established requirements, effective organization of tree disease and pest control.

At the end of the practical seminar, questions and proposals were discussed.

Dilrabo Boboyeva, information service of the Forestry Agency