17/04/24, 10:55

Experts shared their recommendations for caring for poplar plantings

According to Mukhsimov Nurullo, senior researcher at the Forestry Research Institute, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, seedlings formed from poplar cuttings will be thinned out and transplanted to another location next spring. Places for planting cuttings should be plowed in the fall to a depth of 35-40 cm and softened before planting. Cuttings should be watered at least 2-3 times a month, especially in May-September.

Seedlings and cuttings are watered 8-12 times depending on the composition of the soil and groundwater level in the first and second year. The interval between watering should not exceed 15 days in June-August. The average irrigation rate is 700-800 m3/ha. Watering will be more appropriate if it is accompanied by loosening the soil.

In the spring season, in the 1st ten days of April (April 1-15), poplar seedlings up to 1.5-2.5 meters high are planted in rows with row spacing of 2.5-3.0 meters, with an interval of 1.5 meters. It is advisable to draw a ditch and plant it at intervals of 70 cm. With timely implementation of agrotechnical measures on planted poplar seedlings, the germination level is 95-98%. It is recommended to thin out seedlings of the first year between rows 4 times and at least 2 times between plants.

From the second year, the lower lateral branches on the trunk are pruned. Poplar seedlings go into autumn in the second year and reach 4 meters in height and even more. On the other hand, the thickness of its trunk is 3.5-4.0 cm. In the third year, in the spring, work is carried out on the formation of poplars. Crooked and damaged tree branches are removed. The side branches of the trunk at a height of 1.5-2.0 meters above the ground are also pruned.

Poplar cuttings are prepared in December-March, when aphid movement on the plant stops. Cuttings are made from ripe, healthy standard branches. The length of the cuttings should be 20-25 cm. The cuttings must be cut with sharp scissors. The top of the cutting is cut off with a slope of 10-120C, at least 1 cm from the top of the shoot. The cuttings must be within 1-2 cm in diameter. Thicker or thinner than this is not allowed.