08/08/22, 12:03

N. Bakirov: In our conditions, it is impossible to establish nurseries without artificially watering the flora in time.

Leased by the Forestry State Committee for a period of not more than 49 years on the basis of an investment contract or public-private partnership to legal entities and individuals for the purpose of establishing new forests and plantations of medicinal plants on unused forest fund lands. the legal basis of the issue is being created.

In addition, the efficiency of detection of violations of the requirements for the use and protection of forests on the lands of the state forest fund has been achieved. the review established a robust mechanism for forest protection.

It should be noted that relations in the field of forest use related to the use of land, water, underground resources and animal world and their protection are regulated by relevant legal documents.

Chairman of the State Forestry Committee, N. Bakirov, visited Bukhara region and inspected the nurseries and nurseries of Karavulbazar, Neftchi State Forestry and Karavulbazar State Forestry. he forgave

Today, a number of organizational and practical works are being carried out in the republic to protect, increase, and rationally use the forest fund.

Experts say that in order to achieve a good yield, first of all, it is necessary to cultivate the land well and perform agrotechnical activities on time. Each planted plant and tree seedling can grow well and produce a crop after certain agrotechnical stages. In addition, without protecting plants from diseases and pests, it is impossible to get a high-quality and high-quality harvest from them. In particular, tillage is the main measure for the high growth and development of seedlings planted on heavy soil in desert-steppe regions. This will vary depending on the topography of the work site and the degree of leaching of the soil.

The chairman of the committee gave appropriate recommendations on the norm of fertilizing the crops planted in nurseries and nurseries with local and mineral fertilizers, as well as the development of animal husbandry, poultry, and beekeeping, and all-round support.

- In our conditions, it is impossible to build nurseries and grow high-quality seedlings without timely artificial irrigation of the flora, says N. Bakirov. - Before planting a nursery, it is necessary to water the soil before plowing the land. It is necessary to constantly enrich the soil, fill it with various humus, and protect it from diseases.

As noted, one of the main activities is the preparation of seeds of trees and shrubs for reforestation, establishment of nurseries and nurseries, and greening activities. Today, seeds are being prepared from more than 70 types of trees and shrubs. In the preparation of tree and shrub seeds, special attention was paid to the collection of seeds of decorative deciduous and coniferous trees and shrubs planted for landscaping purposes.

The ripening period of the seeds of each tree has been developed and the seeds are prepared according to these periods. These seeds are planted in nurseries and seedlings are grown. Cooperation with foreign countries such as China, Turkey, and South Korea on the cultivation of unique types of seeds, experiences are exchanged, and they are introduced in forestry. As a result of this, I can say that nurseries are being intensively established in forestry.

Dilrabo Boboyeva, Information Service Specialist of the State Forestry Committee