27/07/23, 06:28

What kind of work is done by the Forestry Agency?

It is known that 81.8 percent of the Forest Fund (9 million 701 thousand hectares) is desert territory, 13.7 percent (1 million 618 thousand hectares) is mountain territory, 0.3 percent (34 thousand hectares) is valley territory , 4.2 percent (503 thousand hectares) consists of forest area.

A number of activities are being carried out by system organizations to ensure the implementation of the decision of the head of our state dated October 6, 2020 "On approving the concept of development of the forestry system in the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030".

In particular, the dry bottom of the Aral Sea and 195,000 hectares in total in order to eliminate sand migration and salt-dust in the air in the Aral Bay areas, of which 128,000 hectares in the Moynaq district, 40,000 hectares in the Bukhara region, 17,000 hectares in the Navoi region, and 10,000 hectares in the Khorezm region. "green covers" of saksovol and other desert plants were established on a thousand-hectare area. A total of 941 tons of waste by forestry enterprises and seeds of other types of trees and shrubs were collected.

A nursery of 546 hectares of landscape, fruit tree and shrub species suitable for soil and climate conditions and nurseries were established.

Within the framework of the nationwide project "Green Space" this year, by forestry companies in the spring season 21.8 mln. the delivery of seedlings and cuttings of ornamental and fruit trees and bushes suitable for the climatic conditions was ensured. Also, on the basis of the project documents, the establishment of "green parks" on an area of 347 hectares was determined, and to date, a total of 126 local councils have taken relevant decisions on the allocation of land for the establishment of "green parks". done.

Agreements were signed between local governments and the "Forest Project" design institute on the development of project documents for the purpose of organizing "green parks" to be established in the regions based on the specified requirements.

On 2,000 hectares of irrigated agricultural land, 4 million saplings were planted with tree plantations. 3,590 tree saplings were planted in a distance of 5 km around the city of Nukus, and 2,500 trees were planted in a distance of 5 km around the city of Urganch and the Urganch-Gurlan highway, such as catalpa, cypress, Japanese safflower, and "green belts" " was established.

The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the State Program for the Implementation of the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan in the Year of Attention to Humanity and Quality Education in 2022-2026" In order to improve the situation, 200,000 hectares of forests were established and restored.

Total by system organizations in the past period оn the area of 37,788 hectares, measures were taken to combat forest pests and diseases, and on 13,506 hectares, measures were taken to combat the pests and diseases. Measures are being taken against diseases identified on 9,772 hectares and against pests on 11,549 hectares.

It should be noted that during 2023, the construction of 165 km of fire protection roads and 290 km of mineralized strips (ploughed lanes) by Forestry will create 78 km of new protective lines and 1720 km of mineralized strips and 1730 km of forestry roads are planned to be repaired.

To date this year, a total of 303 km of fire-fighting intermediate places, 590 km of roads, 568 km of protective lines and 14,880 m3 of water reservoirs have been newly built by the system organizations of the agency, 2,236 km of intermediate places, 3,231 km of roads, 2,518 km of fire protection lines, 260 km of ditches and 14,893 m³ water reservoirs were repaired.

2,500 hectares of unused land in the forest fund were developed.