11/04/23, 14:55

There are methods for determining the quality of seeds of forestry crops

It is known that under the leadership of our state on August 24, 2021, at the meeting of video selectors regarding measures to improve the ecological situation, effectively organize tree protection and expand green areas, one park in each district of Tashkent city, in each of the neighborhoods with high-rise buildings It was noted that it is necessary to create green areas. It was also noted that ornamental trees should be planted along 60 kilometers of canals and around 250 kilometers of sidewalks.

A number of measures to increase the quality of greening and to increase the standard requirements of high-quality and inexpensive, adaptable to local conditions, beautiful, blooming, aesthetically pleasing ornamental tree seedlings in the development of desert forestry. established.

Khorezm State Forestry Managers, together with scientists and employees of the Scientific Research Institute of Forestry, "Forest Fund, in order to create a selective breeding base of trees and shrubs on the land, and to obtain quality seeds, the mother of tree and shrub seeds A seminar was organized on "organization of plantations".

During the workshop, experts will take samples of seeds, determine the weight of 1000 seeds and seed moisture, determine the purity of seeds (diseases, pests and weeds) and determine the fertility and growth potential of seeds. relevant recommendations were made regarding such issues.

It should be noted that recently in our country, great attention is being paid to beautification of urban, rural and industrial enterprises, social sphere facilities, along with greening, planting desert forest plants on the dry bottom of the island.

According to the relevant legislation, in 2022-2026, the issues of establishing green cover desert forests on 200,000 hectares of the dry bottom of the Aral Sea and the coastal areas have been determined.

During the workshop, the participants were informed about the requirements for the seeds of desert plants, forest and ornamental plants used in reforestation, ornamental shrubs and cultivated fruit trees, seeds used in forestry. the quality, purity, germination and quality documents of the analyzed seeds were presented.