28/04/24, 12:50

Catalpa is being cultivated in Ohangaron

CATALPA (Catalpa) is a group of ornamental plants belonging to the bignonia family. The leaf is simple, long, large. The flower is white, bell-shaped, ball-shaped, or cyme-like. The fruit is long (20-40 cm), many-seeded. 2-lobed, leguminous. The seed is flat, and the tip is moldy. There are 14 types. It is propagated from seeds, cuttings and rhizomes. The wood is light, soft, resistant to decay.

N. Bakirov, director of the Forestry Agency under the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change, went to the Ohangaron state forestry area and got acquainted with the activities there and the work carried out in the spring season. Hall views shared their recommendations on how catalpa trees are cared for from seed to seedling in Ohangaron forestry today, and the existence of specific agrotechnical measures for each process. He noted what measures are used in the cultivation and reproduction of this tree species in the climate of Uzbekistan.

It should be noted that the catalpa tree is currently being propagated from the seeds of the Ohangaron State Forestry. In many parks and streets of the capital, you can enjoy the wonderful sight of catalpa. Also, about 3.0 million seedlings and saplings are currently being cared for in the nursery department of Ohangaron State Forestry.

N. Bakirov closely got acquainted with the season of spring work in these areas, conducted studies on the care of the planted seedlings. He gave necessary and necessary agrotechnical advice.