29/09/23, 14:06

A number of scientific and practical works are being carried out on the cultivation of medicinal plants on the lands of the Forest Fund.

Today, the demand for natural products made from medicinal plants by the population of the world is increasing, as a result, growing medicinal plants and increasing the volume of raw materials is considered one of the urgent problems. Medicinal plants (lat. Plantae medicinalis) - includes a large group in the science of plant science, the vegetative and generative organs of medicinal plants are widely used in folk medicine and traditional medicine, and in the field of veterinary medicine in the treatment or prevention of diseases. is used.

According to the International Organization for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), about 320,000 plant species have been registered by the organization, of which 21,000 species are used in medicine.

In order to organize the cultivation and processing of medicinal plant species on a scientific basis in our country, to support the establishment of cultural plantations, as well as to widely use medicinal plants in the prevention and treatment of diseases, under the Forestry Agency A number of scientific and practical works are being carried out by scientists and specialists of the scientific production center for cultivation and processing of medicinal plants.

This year, with the participation of scientists and specialists of the Center, in order to research and determine the naturally distributed areas and stocks of medicinal plants, the Forish, Bakhmal, Zomin, Khojamushkent state forest hunting farms and the Gallaorol specialized state forest of Jizzakh region were visited. an expedition was carried out on the lands of the forestry fund. As a result, 46 types of medicinal plants (Bukhara almond, deer grass, red hawthorn, wild pear, kuchala, Elena's blanket, black cumin, etc.) distributed in 2226.4 hectares were identified, electronic maps were created, herbarium samples were prepared, soil samples were taken for laboratory analysis from the area where medicinal plants grow.

A quota of 1648.6 tons was allocated by the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change for the collection of raw materials of medicinal and edible plants growing naturally from the lands of the Forest Fund. Permits for 374.8 tons were issued to 14 state forestry enterprises based on the requests received through the State Service Centers for the collection of raw materials of naturally growing medicinal and edible plants.

According to the recommendations of the experts of the center, taking into account the soil and climatic conditions of the regions, 20,170 hectares of Tajik carpet, 946.5 hectares of bitter almonds, 597.0 hectares of frankincense, 416.9 hectares of fennel, 336.8 hectares of licorice, 329.6 hectares of pumpkin, 200.0 hectares of sassik carpet, 163.0 hectares of maize popugi, 54.4 hectares of fields, 40.0 hectares of chamomile, 30.5 hectares of sedum and other types of medicinal and food plants plantations were established.

For information, it should be noted that in 2022-2026, on the area of 36,000 hectares, licorice, saffron, kavark, lavender, stevia, chamomile, namatak, ravoch, mavrak, dalachoy, tograyhon, boymadaran, deer grass, saffron, peppermint and other medicinal plants will be cultivated. plantations are established. The list of districts specializing in the cultivation of the main types of medicinal plants was approved in 2020. 600,000 soums per meter, but no more than 120 million soums per meter, with the condition of using water-saving technologies for the construction of a well drilled to release water to the cultural plantations of medicinal plants on every 10 hectares of land, as well as the construction of a pumping station to draw water from rivers, canals and other water bodies. amount of subsidy will be allocated. Until January 1, 2025, the rates of land tax, profit tax and property tax collected from business entities whose income from the cultivation of medicinal plants is at least 80% of the total income at the end of the current reporting (tax) period will be reduced by 50%.

In order to expand the types of scientific research in the field, laboratory equipment worth 500 million soums and equipment worth 40 million soums were purchased for the Phytochemistry and Standardization Laboratory of Medicinal Plants of the Center, and scientific articles were published in local and international journals, conferences and symposia, as well as the State Scientific and Technical 1. "Cultivation of medicinal lavender (Lavandula) and capparis plants and creation of value-added products in the forest fund lands of Andijan region", 2. "Medicinal godji LYCIUM L in the forest fund lands of Tashkent and Navoi region" development of agrotechnology for growing seedlings using cuttings and seed planting methods of the plant and creating functional value-added products using utilization in nursery." practical projects on the subject were prepared and sent to the Agency for Innovative Development.